Nursing Internship Acceptance Letter

Nursing Internship Acceptance Letter

January 4, 2050

Mr. Peter Hatton

4320 Tibbs Avenue
Poplar, MT 59255

Dear Mr. Hatton,

I am pleased to confirm your acceptance into the Nursing Internship Program at [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. After a thorough review of your application, our selection committee was impressed with your credentials and commitment to a career in nursing.

As we discussed during your interview, your internship will commence on February 1, 2050, and continue until July 31, 2050. During your tenure as an intern, you will be assigned to our Pediatric Unit, where you can put your academic knowledge into practice under the supervision of experienced nursing professionals.

We earnestly hope that this internship will prove to be an enriching experience and will advance your career ambitions in nursing. Your stipend, work schedule, and hospital policies and procedures will be discussed during the onboarding process on your initial day of the internship.

Once again, congratulations on your acceptance. Kindly confirm your acceptance of the offer by replying to this letter or contacting my office at your earliest convenience. If you have any queries or need further clarification about anything about your internship, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

We look forward to nurturing your inherent potential and witnessing your growth as a part of the [YOUR COMPANY NAME] family.



HR Manager


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