Nursing Incident Report Letter

Nursing Incident Report Letter



[Phone Number]

[Email Address]

May 5, 2059

Amanda Chandler
3171 Lynn Ogden Lane
Beaumont, TX 77701

Dear Ms. Chandler,

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is [YOUR NAME], working in the capacity of [YOUR TITLE] at [YOUR COMPANY NAME], I am writing to shed light on some unusual occurrences within our nursing practice. Recently, there have been incidents involving protocol discrepancies and untoward medical outcomes, which I believe are detrimental to our commitment to patient safety and quality care. These situations include some incorrect medication administration and breaches in post-operative care. Unfortunately, these issues have led to patient discomfort and prolonged hospital stay.

Addressing these concerns, we have organized a team of senior nurses and physicians to assess the root cause of these events. Based on our initial findings, a lack of ongoing training and understaffing are key contributing factors. To rectify this, we propose a series of steps, including refresher courses on protocol adherence, patient care, and medications, as well as hiring additional staff to ensure the team is not overwhelmed with workload.

We understand that patient safety and quality care are our utmost priorities, and we are dedicated to taking corrective action to improve our nursing practices. In our commitment to transparency, we will continue to report any further incidents or unusual occurrences as and when they happen.

Thank you for your understanding and support in this important matter. We value your association with our organization and believe that your continued support will be instrumental in overcoming these challenges.


