10 Day Peru Itinerary

10-Day Peru Itinerary

Prepared by: [Your Name]

Date: [Date]

Destination: Peru

Welcome to a truly unforgettable journey! This ten-day itinerary will guide you through the majestic landscapes and rich cultural history of Peru, one of South America's most breathtaking destinations. We designed this itinerary for those in search of adventure, as well as those seeking to understand Peru's unique heritage and traditions. This journey offers a blend of thrilling outdoor activities, architectural marvels, and gastronomic delights. So, brace yourself for an amazing exploration.

Day 1 & 2: Arrival in Lima

Arrive in Lima, Peru's capital city.

Spend the day familiarizing yourself with the city and its culture. You can:

  • Take a leisurely walk around the historic center, known as the "City of Kings."

  • Explore neighborhoods like Miraflores or Barranco, known for their vibrant atmosphere, artsy vibe, and stunning views of the Pacific Ocean.

  • Sample local cuisine at one of Lima's many restaurants, trying dishes like ceviche, causa, or anticuchos.

  • Visit iconic landmarks such as Plaza Mayor, the Government Palace, and the Cathedral of Lima.

  • Optionally, take a guided tour to learn more about Lima's history, architecture, and culture.

Dedicate your second day to exploring Lima's colonial architecture and museums.

  • Start your day with a visit to the Larco Museum, renowned for its extensive collection of pre-Columbian art and artifacts. Don't miss the famous erotic pottery collection.

  • Explore other museums in Lima, such as the Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI) or the National Museum of Archaeology, Anthropology, and History.

  • Take a guided tour of Lima's colonial architecture, visiting landmarks like the San Francisco Monastery, Plaza de Armas, and the Archbishop's Palace.

  • Enjoy a traditional Peruvian lunch at a local restaurant, where you can savor more delicious Peruvian cuisine.

  • Spend the evening exploring Lima's vibrant nightlife scene, perhaps by visiting a bar or nightclub in Miraflores or Barranco.

These activities should provide you with a comprehensive introduction to Lima's history, culture, and attractions during your first two days in the city.

Day 3: Lima to Cusco

On the third day of your trip, after arriving in Cusco, you have the afternoon free to adjust to the altitude and explore the city. Here are some suggested activities:

  1. Acclimatization: Since Cusco sits at a high altitude (approximately 3,400 meters or 11,200 feet above sea level), it's essential to take it easy and allow your body to acclimatize. Avoid strenuous activities and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

  2. Exploring Cusco's Historic Center: Take a stroll around Cusco's historic center, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Admire the well-preserved colonial architecture, narrow cobblestone streets, and charming plazas. Don't miss landmarks like Plaza de Armas, the Cathedral of Santo Domingo, and the Temple of the Sun (Qorikancha).

  3. Visit Museums: Spend some time exploring Cusco's museums to learn about its rich history and culture. Popular options include the Museo Inka, which houses a vast collection of Inca artifacts, and the Pre-Columbian Art Museum.

  4. Local Markets: Wander through local markets like San Pedro Market, where you can experience the vibrant atmosphere and browse stalls selling fresh produce, handicrafts, and souvenirs. It's also an excellent place to sample local snacks and dishes.

  5. Relaxation: After your flight and adjusting to the altitude, consider some relaxation time. You could unwind in a café, enjoy a spa treatment, or simply take in the breathtaking views of the city and surrounding mountains from a scenic viewpoint.

  6. Orientation Tour: Join a guided orientation tour of Cusco to get your bearings and learn about the city's layout, history, and significant landmarks. This can help you plan your activities for the following days.

Remember to take it easy and listen to your body as you adjust to the altitude. Cusco offers plenty of opportunities for gentle exploration and relaxation, ensuring you make the most of your time in this historic and culturally rich city.

Day 4: Sacred Valley Tour

Embarking on a guided tour of the Sacred Valley offers a rich and immersive experience in the heart of the Andes Mountains. Here are some activities you might expect during your tour:

  1. Quaint Town Visits: Explore charming towns within the Sacred Valley, such as Pisac, Ollantaytambo, or Chinchero. These towns are known for their picturesque cobblestone streets, traditional Andean architecture, and vibrant artisan markets. Take the opportunity to interact with locals, browse handicrafts, and immerse yourself in Andean culture.

  2. Pisac Archaeological Site: Visit the Pisac archaeological site, which features impressive terraces, temples, and ceremonial plazas built by the Incas. Enjoy panoramic views of the valley and learn about the site's significance in Inca history and spirituality.

  3. Market Shopping: Explore local markets where you can shop for handmade textiles, ceramics, jewelry, and other artisanal products. The markets offer a great opportunity to support local artisans and find unique souvenirs to take home.

  4. Ollantaytambo Fortress: Discover the ancient fortress and temple complex of Ollantaytambo, a significant archaeological site that showcases Inca engineering and architecture. Climb the massive stone terraces and learn about the site's strategic importance during the Inca Empire.

  5. Chinchero Village: Visit the traditional Andean village of Chinchero, known for its textile workshops and Inca ruins. Learn about traditional weaving techniques passed down through generations and observe skilled artisans creating intricate textiles using natural dyes and techniques.

  6. Lunch with a View: Enjoy a delicious lunch featuring Peruvian cuisine at a restaurant with stunning views of the Sacred Valley. Savor local dishes made with fresh ingredients while taking in the breathtaking scenery.

  7. Optional Activities: Depending on the tour, you may have the opportunity to participate in additional activities such as hiking, horseback riding, or visiting other archaeological sites and viewpoints in the Sacred Valley.

Overall, a guided tour of the Sacred Valley offers a memorable journey through ancient history, vibrant culture, and breathtaking landscapes, providing a deeper understanding of Peru's rich heritage.

Day 5 & 7: Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

Over the next three days, hike the classic Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. The trail is a stunning outdoor adventure offering majestic mountain scenes, lush cloud forests, and ancient Incan ruins along the route. On the final day, arrive at Machu Picchu at sunrise a mesmerizing sight.

When hiking the classic Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, accommodations are typically provided in campsites along the trail. These campsites are managed by licensed tour operators and offer basic facilities such as tents, sleeping pads, dining tents, and toilet facilities. Here's a breakdown of the campsites along the Inca Trail:

  1. First Camp (Wayllabamba): This is the first campsite on the trail, located around 6-8 kilometers from the trailhead. It's a basic campsite with tents set up for trekkers.

  2. Second Camp (Pacamayo or Llulluchapampa): Depending on the tour operator and the pace of the group, trekkers may stay at either Pacamayo or Llulluchapampa, which are roughly halfway along the trail. These campsites offer basic amenities and beautiful views of the surrounding mountains.

  3. Third Camp (Wiñay Wayna): This campsite is located closer to Machu Picchu and is often the last campsite before reaching the famous site. It's a larger campsite with better facilities, including toilets and showers.

  4. Machu Picchu Town (Aguas Calientes): After completing the trek, most tours include a stay in Aguas Calientes, also known as Machu Picchu Pueblo. This town offers a range of accommodation options including hotels, hostels, and lodges, catering to different budgets and preferences.

While camping along the Inca Trail provides a unique and immersive experience, it's essential to book your trek with a reputable tour operator well in advance, as permits are limited and demand is high. Additionally, it's crucial to pack appropriately for the trek, including warm clothing, a sleeping bag, and other essentials for camping.

Day 8 & 9: Machu Picchu to Cusco

After visiting Machu Picchu, return to Cusco and enjoy some leisure time. Visit San Pedro Market or the Chocolate Museum, if you wish. Embark on a city tour of Cusco, visiting the prominent Sacsayhuaman, the Qorikancha (Temple of the Sun), and the vibrant San Blas neighborhood.


  1. Respect Cultural Sites: Treat historical and religious sites with respect. Follow any rules or regulations regarding behavior, photography, and attire.

  2. Support Local Businesses: When visiting markets, shops, and restaurants, try to support local businesses and artisans. This contributes to the local economy and promotes sustainable tourism.

  3. Stay Hydrated: Cusco's high altitude can lead to dehydration, so drink plenty of water, especially if you're spending time outdoors or exploring the city on foot.

  4. Try Local Cuisine: Sample traditional Peruvian dishes and delicacies at local eateries and street food stalls. Be adventurous and explore the rich culinary heritage of the region.

  5. Practice Basic Spanish Phrases: While many people in Cusco speak English, knowing some basic Spanish phrases can enhance your experience and help you communicate with locals.


  1. Disrespect Sacred Sites: Avoid behavior that could be considered disrespectful at religious or cultural sites, such as loud talking, littering, or inappropriate attire.

  2. Overlook Safety Precautions: Be cautious when navigating Cusco's streets, especially when crossing roads or exploring unfamiliar areas. Keep an eye on your belongings to prevent theft.

  3. Ignore Altitude Sickness Symptoms: If you experience symptoms of altitude sickness, such as headache, nausea, or dizziness, don't ignore them. Rest, drink water, and consider seeking medical attention if symptoms persist or worsen.

  4. Haggle Aggressively: While bargaining is common in markets and street stalls, be respectful when negotiating prices. Avoid aggressive or disrespectful behavior towards vendors.

  5. Disregard Environmental Conservation: Respect the natural environment and avoid littering or damaging fragile ecosystems when exploring outdoor areas around Cusco.

By following these do's and don'ts, you can have a respectful, enjoyable, and safe experience while exploring Cusco and its surrounding attractions.

Day 10: Departure

On your final day in Peru, you'll fly from Cusco back to Lima, where you'll connect with your international flight home, bringing an end to your unforgettable Peruvian adventure. Here's what you can expect on this day:

  1. Morning in Cusco: Depending on your flight time, you may have some free time in the morning to enjoy a leisurely breakfast, take a last stroll through the streets of Cusco, or do some last-minute souvenir shopping.

  2. Transfer to Cusco Airport: Arrange for transportation to Cusco's Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport, which is located around 15-20 minutes from the city center. Make sure to leave with ample time to check in for your flight and go through security.

  3. Flight to Lima: Board your domestic flight from Cusco to Lima. The flight duration is approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes, offering scenic views of the Andes Mountains and the Peruvian landscape as you fly back to the capital.

  4. Arrival in Lima: Upon arrival at Jorge Chávez International Airport in Lima, collect your luggage and proceed to the international terminal if you have a connecting flight. Allow sufficient time for immigration and security procedures.

  5. Connecting Flight Home: If you have a connecting flight, proceed to your departure gate and prepare for your journey home. Double-check your flight details and any necessary documentation, such as passports and boarding passes.

  6. Reflection on Your Peruvian Adventure: While waiting for your flight, take a moment to reflect on the incredible experiences and memories you've made during your time in Peru. Whether it's the awe-inspiring sights of Machu Picchu, the vibrant culture of Cusco, or the delicious cuisine you've savored, cherish these moments as you prepare to return home.

  7. Departure: Board your international flight and bid farewell to Peru as you embark on the journey back to your home country. Take with you the memories, photographs, and newfound appreciation for the beauty and diversity of Peru's landscapes, history, and people.

As you fly back home, filled with unforgettable memories from your Peruvian adventure, you'll carry with you the spirit of exploration and discovery that defined your journey through this fascinating South American country

Additional Reminders

  • Remember to dress in layered clothing, as weather conditions can change rapidly.

  • Stay hydrated, particularly on hiking days, and be sure to acclimate to the altitude upon reaching Cusco.

  • Respect local customs and traditions, particularly when visiting sacred Inca sites.

  • Ensure you have up-to-date health insurance that covers extreme sports and hiking at high altitudes.

  • Don't forget to bring proper identification and related documents.

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