10 Day Egypt Itinerary

10-Day Egypt Itinerary

Date: [Date]

Prepared by: [Your Name]

Destination: Egypt

Welcome, I'm [Your Name], a seasoned travel consultant at [Your Company Name]. Egypt's rich history featuring UNESCO World Heritage sites and breathtaking landscapes is an invitation for any avid adventurer. Let me guide you through a perfectly structured 10-day plan unraveling the splendors of Egypt that you wouldn't want to miss!

Day 1: Arrival in Cairo

Upon your arrival at Cairo International Airport, you can expect a seamless transition to your hotel facilitated by a dedicated representative. As you step off the plane and make your way through the airport, the representative will be there to greet you warmly and assist with any luggage you may have.

They will guide you through the bustling corridors of the airport, ensuring you navigate through customs and immigration smoothly. Along the way, feel free to ask any questions you may have about Cairo or your upcoming itinerary.

Once outside the airport, you'll be escorted to your hotel comfortably and conveniently. During the journey, you might catch glimpses of Cairo's vibrant streets, bustling with activity, offering you a taste of the city's lively atmosphere.

Upon arrival at your hotel, take the opportunity to relax and unwind after your journey. Check into your comfortable accommodations, settle in, and take a moment to appreciate the anticipation of the exciting adventures that await you in Cairo.

As you rest up and prepare for the journey ahead, let the excitement of exploring this historic and culturally rich city fill you with anticipation. Whether you're here for business or leisure, Cairo promises an unforgettable experience filled with ancient wonders, bustling markets, and warm hospitality.

Day 2: Explore the Pyramids

Begin your adventure with the iconic Great Pyramids of Giza. Don't miss the Sphinx and the Valley Temple nearby. Lunch would be in a local restaurant to taste authentic Egyptian cuisine.

Here are some activities you can enjoy during your adventure at the Great Pyramids of Giza and its surrounding areas:

  1. Exploring the Great Pyramids: Begin by exploring the iconic Great Pyramids of Giza, which are among the most famous ancient monuments in the world. You can marvel at the architectural prowess of the Egyptians and learn about the history and significance of these ancient structures.

  2. Visit the Sphinx: After exploring the pyramids, don't miss the opportunity to visit the Sphinx, which is located nearby. The Sphinx is a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human, and it guards the Giza plateau.

  3. Explore the Valley Temple: Adjacent to the Sphinx, you'll find the Valley Temple, which is an ancient mortuary temple associated with the pyramids. Explore the temple and learn about its historical and religious significance in ancient Egyptian culture.

  4. Lunch at a Local Restaurant: After a morning of exploration, enjoy a delicious lunch at a local restaurant near the pyramids. Taste authentic Egyptian cuisine, which may include dishes like koshari, falafel, kebabs, or stuffed grape leaves

  5. Take in the Atmosphere: While at the pyramids, take some time to soak in the atmosphere and marvel at the surrounding desert landscape. The Great Pyramids of Giza are not only historic monuments but also symbols of Egypt's rich cultural heritage.

Day 3: A Day in Coptic Cairo

  1. Visit the ancient Roman fortress, Babylon: This could refer to the remains of the ancient fortress of Babylon, located in the Coptic Cairo area of the city. This fortress dates back to Roman times and is an important historical site.

  2. Babylon, the Hanging Church: The Hanging Church, also known as Saint Virgin Mary's Coptic Orthodox Church, is one of the oldest churches in Egypt and is located in Coptic Cairo. It is known for its unique architectural style and historical significance.

  3. The famous Ben Ezra Synagogue: This synagogue is located in Old Cairo and is one of the oldest synagogues in Egypt. It has a rich history and is known for its architectural beauty and cultural significance.

  4. Finish the day with a stroll at Khan El Khalili Bazaar: Khan El Khalili is one of the oldest and most famous bazaars in Cairo. It is known for its bustling atmosphere, narrow streets, and diverse array of shops selling a variety of goods including spices, jewelry, souvenirs, and more.

Day 4&5: Travel to Aswan

  1. Arrive at Aswan: Aswan is a city in southern Egypt, located on the Nile River. It is a popular tourist destination known for its beautiful landscapes, historical sites, and vibrant culture.

  2. Get a comfortable nap at your hotel: After arriving in Aswan, the suggestion is to check into your hotel and take some rest. Aswan offers various accommodations ranging from luxurious resorts to budget-friendly hotels, where visitors can relax and rejuvenate.

  3. Spend the evening at leisure exploring the Nubian Village: The Nubian Village is a community located on the banks of the Nile River near Aswan. It is known for its colorful houses, unique culture, and friendly people. Visitors can explore the village, interact with locals, learn about Nubian traditions, and enjoy the picturesque surroundings.

Day 6: Visit Abu Simbel

The activity described involves visiting the Abu Simbel Temples, which are located near the southern border of Egypt, close to the town of Abu Simbel. Here's what you can expect:

  1. Abu Simbel Temples: These temples are among the most famous ancient monuments in Egypt. They were originally carved out of the mountainside during the reign of Pharaoh Ramesses II in the 13th century BCE. The main temple is dedicated to Ramesses II himself, while the smaller temple nearby is dedicated to his wife, Queen Nefertari.

  2. An ancient marvel of architecture and engineering: The Abu Simbel Temples are renowned for their impressive architectural design and the engineering feat involved in relocating them in the 1960s to prevent them from being submerged by the rising waters of Lake Nasser after the construction of the Aswan High Dam.

Visitors to the Abu Simbel Temples can marvel at the colossal statues, intricate carvings, and grandeur of these ancient structures, which stand as a testament to the greatness of ancient Egyptian civilization. The site is not only historically significant but also offers visitors a glimpse into the remarkable achievements of ancient Egyptian architecture and engineering.

Day 7&8: Depart for Luxor

The activities described entail a journey along the Nile River from Aswan to Luxor, as well as exploring several historical sites along the way. Here's what you can expect:

  1. Embark on the cruise from Aswan to Luxor: This typically involves boarding a Nile River cruise ship in Aswan and sailing north towards Luxor. Nile cruises are a popular way to experience the beauty of the Nile River and visit the ancient sites along its banks.

  2. Relax, enjoy the scenery, and savor the onboard meals: While cruising, passengers can relax on deck, take in the stunning scenery of the Nile River, and enjoy meals served on board. Nile cruises often offer a combination of sightseeing, relaxation, and onboard entertainment.

  3. Visit the West Bank: Once in Luxor, visitors can explore the West Bank of the Nile, which is home to several ancient Egyptian sites including:

    a. Valley of the Kings: This is where many pharaohs of the New Kingdom, including Tutankhamun, were buried in elaborate tombs.

    b. Hatshepsut Temple (Deir el-Bahari): This temple is dedicated to Queen Hatshepsut, one of the few female pharaohs of ancient Egypt.

    c. Colossi of Memnon: These two massive stone statues represent Amenhotep III and are all that remains of his mortuary temple.

  4. Conclude the day with a visit to Luxor Temple: Luxor Temple is located on the east bank of the Nile River and is one of the most significant ancient Egyptian temples. It was dedicated to the god Amun and was used for various religious ceremonies and festivals.

These activities offer a comprehensive exploration of ancient Egyptian history and architecture along the Nile River, from Aswan to Luxor.

Day 9: Karnak Temple

The activities described here suggest a visit to Luxor, Egypt, particularly focusing on the Karnak Temple complex and concluding with a night aboard a cruise ship. Here's a breakdown:

  1. Start your day at Karnak Temple: Karnak Temple is indeed one of the most significant ancient Egyptian temple complexes located on the east bank of the Nile River in Luxor. It is renowned for its massive size and grandeur, representing the combined achievement of many generations of ancient builders and pharaohs. Exploring Karnak Temple allows visitors to witness colossal statues, intricately carved hieroglyphs, and monumental architecture that reflect the religious beliefs and practices of ancient Egypt.

  2. Enjoy your last night in Egypt aboard the cruise: After visiting Karnak Temple, it seems that the day ends with spending the final night of your Egypt trip aboard a cruise ship. Nile cruises are a popular way for tourists to experience the beauty of the Nile River and to visit various historical sites along its banks. Cruises often offer comfortable accommodations, onboard dining, and entertainment, allowing travelers to relax and enjoy the serene ambiance of the Nile while reflecting on their memorable journey through Egypt.

Overall, these activities offer a captivating blend of ancient history, architectural marvels, and leisurely exploration along the Nile River in Luxor, Egypt.

Day 10: Departure

The last day of the trip involves checking out from your accommodation after breakfast and being transferred to Luxor Airport for your return journey home. Luxor Airport serves as a gateway for travelers departing from Luxor, Egypt, to various destinations. This transfer marks the conclusion of your journey through Egypt, allowing you to return home with memories of the ancient wonders, cultural experiences, and breathtaking landscapes you encountered during your visit.


  1. Respect local customs and traditions, including conservative dress codes, especially when visiting religious sites. For women, it's advisable to dress modestly, covering shoulders and knees.

  2. Greet people with a polite "As-salaam alaykum" (Peace be upon you) and be courteous in interactions with locals.

  3. Bargain politely when shopping in markets or souks (bazaars), as haggling is a common practice.

  4. Stay hydrated, especially in hot weather, by drinking plenty of bottled water.

  5. Be prepared to remove your shoes when entering mosques or homes.


  1. Don't engage in public displays of affection, as this is generally considered inappropriate in Egyptian culture.

  2. Avoid discussing sensitive political topics unless you are well-informed and the conversation is conducted respectfully.

  3. Don't drink tap water; stick to bottled water to avoid getting sick.

  4. Don't touch artifacts or hieroglyphics in ancient sites or museums, as they are fragile and can be damaged easily.

  5. Refrain from disrespecting Islam or any religious beliefs, as Egypt is a predominantly Muslim country.

If you need any assistance during your adventures in Egypt, feel free to contact us at [Your Company Email]. For more travel tips and exciting itineraries, [Your Company Website]. Safe Travels!

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