Northern Spain Itinerary

Northern Spain Itinerary

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]


Destination: Northern Spain

Welcome to Northern Spain, a region renowned for its stunning landscapes, rich history, and exquisite cuisine. This six-day itinerary will take you on a journey through some of the most captivating destinations, including Bilbao, San Sebastian, the beautiful beaches of Asturias, the historic city of Oviedo, and the breathtaking Picos de Europa National Park. Get ready to immerse yourself in the culture, art, and flavors of Northern Spain.

Day 1: Arrival in Bilbao

  • Morning: Arrive in Bilbao and check into your accommodation.

  • Afternoon: Explore contemporary art and architecture at the iconic Guggenheim Museum, designed by Frank Gehry.

  • Evening: Stroll along the riverside, dine at a famous Basque restaurant, and indulge in local dishes like pintxos and bacalao.

Bilbao, the largest city in the Basque Country, is known for its blend of modern and traditional architecture. The Guggenheim Museum, a masterpiece of contemporary design, houses an impressive collection of modern art. After exploring the museum, take a leisurely stroll along the riverbanks of the Nervion River and soak in the city's vibrant atmosphere.

Day 2: San Sebastian

  • Morning: Travel to San Sebastian, known for its beautiful beaches and culinary scene.

  • Afternoon: Visit the picturesque La Concha Beach and take a leisurely walk along the promenade.

  • Evening: Enjoy a gourmet meal at a Michelin-starred restaurant or savor fresh seafood and local wines at a seaside tavern.

San Sebastian, or Donostia in Basque, is a charming coastal city renowned for its stunning beaches and culinary delights. La Concha Beach, with its crescent-shaped bay and crystal-clear waters, is perfect for a relaxing day by the sea. In the evening, indulge in the city's gastronomic offerings, which include some of the best pintxos (Basque tapas) in the region.

Day 3: Asturias Beaches

  • Morning: Depart for Asturias and spend the morning exploring its stunning beaches.

  • Afternoon: Drive along the scenic rugged coastline, with stops at viewpoints and seaside villages.

  • Evening: Enjoy a farewell dinner of Asturian cuisine before leaving for your next stop.

Asturias, located on Spain's northern coast, is known for its pristine beaches, dramatic cliffs, and lush greenery. Spend the morning soaking up the sun and surf at one of Asturias's beautiful beaches, such as Playa de Torimbia or Playa de Gulpiyuri. In the afternoon, take a scenic drive along the rugged coastline, stopping at viewpoints to admire the breathtaking scenery. Conclude your day with a delicious Asturian meal, featuring local specialties like fabada (bean stew) and cider-marinated fish.

Day 4: Cultural Day in Oviedo

  • Morning: Explore the historic city of Oviedo, known for its medieval architecture and rich cultural heritage.

  • Afternoon: Visit the Cathedral of San Salvador and stroll through the charming streets of the Old Town.

  • Evening: Enjoy a traditional Asturian dinner at a local restaurant.

Oviedo, the capital of Asturias, is a city steeped in history and culture. Explore the city's medieval old town, with its narrow cobblestone streets and historic buildings. Visit the Cathedral of San Salvador, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture, and marvel at its stunning interiors. In the evening, treat yourself to a traditional Asturian dinner, featuring local delicacies like cachopo (breaded veal steak) and Asturian cider.

Day 5: Picos de Europa National Park

  • Morning: Embark on a day trip to Picos de Europa National Park, known for its rugged landscapes and pristine wilderness.

  • Afternoon: Explore the park's scenic trails and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.

  • Evening: Return to your accommodation and relax after a day of adventure.

Picos de Europa National Park, located in the Cantabrian Mountains, is a paradise for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. Spend the day hiking through the park's lush forests, towering peaks, and picturesque valleys. Keep an eye out for wildlife, including chamois, wild boar, and golden eagles. In the evening, unwind and reflect on your day's adventures as you prepare for your journey home.

Day 6: Departure

  • Morning: Check out of your accommodation and depart for your next destination.

As your journey through Northern Spain comes to an end, take some time to reflect on the unforgettable experiences you've had and the beautiful places you've visited. Whether you're a foodie, a nature lover, or a history buff, Northern Spain has something for everyone. We hope you've enjoyed this itinerary and that it has inspired you to explore more of this incredible region in the future.

Additional Reminders

  • Don't forget to bring proper identification and related documents.

  • Remember to respect the places and the local traditions.

  • Spanish siesta is observed between 2:00 PM and 5:00 PM.

  • Take sunscreen and beach mats for beach days.

  • Keep personal belongings secure.

Enjoy your journey through Northern Spain, and may it be filled with unforgettable experiences and memories to last a lifetime. ¡Buen viaje!

Additional Activities and Experiences

  • Wine Tasting in La Rioja: Consider adding a day trip to La Rioja, Spain's renowned wine region, for a wine tasting tour and vineyard visit.

  • Cultural Tour in Santander: Explore the coastal city of Santander, known for its beautiful beaches, historic sites, and vibrant cultural scene.

  • Hiking in the Pyrenees: For outdoor enthusiasts, extend your trip to include a day of hiking in the stunning Pyrenees Mountains, which offer breathtaking views and pristine wilderness.

Shopping and Souvenirs

  • Local Markets: Visit local markets in each destination to pick up unique souvenirs, artisan crafts, and local delicacies.

  • Bilbao: Explore the shops and boutiques in Bilbao's Old Town for handmade goods and Basque crafts.

  • San Sebastian: Browse the shops along San Sebastian's bustling streets for fashion, accessories, and gourmet food products.

Nightlife and Entertainment

  • Bilbao: Experience the vibrant nightlife in Bilbao, with its lively bars, clubs, and music venues.

  • San Sebastian: Enjoy live music and performances at San Sebastian's cultural venues, or join a local festival or event for a taste of Basque culture.

  • Oviedo: Discover Oviedo's nightlife scene, with its cozy bars and traditional cider houses, where you can sample Asturian cider and mingle with the locals.

Relaxation and Wellness

  • Spa Day in Asturias: Treat yourself to a day of relaxation at a spa in Asturias, where you can unwind with massages, thermal baths, and wellness treatments.

  • Beach Yoga: Start your day with a beach yoga session in San Sebastian or Asturias, surrounded by the calming sounds of the sea and the fresh ocean breeze.

  • Nature Walks: Take leisurely walks through the scenic countryside of Northern Spain, breathing in the fresh air and reconnecting with nature.

Cuisine and Dining Experiences

  • Cooking Class: Learn to cook traditional Basque dishes, such as paella, pintxos, and seafood dishes, in a hands-on cooking class.

  • Gastronomic Tour: Join a gastronomic tour in San Sebastian or Oviedo, where you can sample a variety of local dishes and wines at the city's best restaurants and food markets.

  • Cider Tasting: Visit a cider house in Asturias for a cider tasting experience, where you can learn about the region's cider-making tradition and sample different varieties of cider.

Cultural and Historical Sites

  • Guggenheim Museum: Explore the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, which showcases a collection of modern and contemporary art, as well as temporary exhibitions by renowned artists.

  • Oviedo Cathedral: Visit the Cathedral of San Salvador in Oviedo, a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its stunning Gothic architecture and religious artifacts.

  • Picos de Europa: Discover the rich cultural heritage of the Picos de Europa region, including traditional villages, ancient churches, and historic landmarks.

Outdoor Adventures

  • Surfing: Try your hand at surfing at one of Northern Spain's renowned surf spots, such as Playa de Zurriola in San Sebastian or Playa de Rodiles in Asturias.

  • Hiking and Trekking: Explore the scenic trails of Picos de Europa National Park, offering a range of hiking and trekking options for all skill levels.

  • Cycling: Rent a bike and explore the beautiful countryside of Northern Spain, with its picturesque villages, rolling hills, and coastal paths.


With its stunning landscapes, rich culture, and delicious cuisine, Northern Spain offers a wealth of experiences for every traveler. Whether you're seeking adventure in the great outdoors, exploring historic cities, or indulging in gastronomic delights, Northern Spain has something for everyone. We hope this itinerary has inspired you to embark on your own journey through this beautiful region and discover all that Northern Spain has to offer. ¡Buen viaje!

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