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Social Media Marketing Rubric

Social Media Rubric

I. Content Quality (25 points)

Relevance (5 points):

  • Content aligns with the IT industry and our company's expertise.

  • Addresses current trends and challenges in the field.

Accuracy (5 points):

  • Information presented is factually correct and up-to-date.

  • Sources are cited when necessary.

Engagement (5 points):

  • Posts encourage interaction (likes, comments, shares).

  • Responses to comments are timely and meaningful.

Creativity (5 points):

  • Content is visually appealing with well-designed graphics or images.

  • Innovative approaches to presenting information are evident.

Consistency (5 points):

  • Regular posting schedule is maintained.

  • Branding elements are consistently applied.

II. Audience Engagement (20 points)

Audience Understanding (5 points):

  • Demonstrates knowledge of the target audience's needs and preferences.

  • Content is tailored to resonate with our specific audience segments.

Community Building (5 points):

  • Actively fosters a sense of community among followers.

  • Encourages discussions and networking within the IT community.

Feedback Integration (5 points):

  • Listens to feedback and adapts social media strategy accordingly.

  • Demonstrates a willingness to address concerns and suggestions.

Inclusivity (5 points):

  • Promotes diversity and inclusivity in content and interactions.

  • Engages with a broad range of voices and perspectives.

III. Performance Metrics (15 points)

Follower Growth (5 points):

  • Demonstrates consistent growth in follower numbers.

  • Analyzes follower demographics for targeting improvements.

Engagement Metrics (5 points):

  • Monitors likes, comments, shares, and other relevant engagement metrics.

  • Sets and meets specific engagement goals.

Conversion Tracking (5 points):

  • Tracks and reports on conversions (e.g., website visits, inquiries, downloads) originating from social media efforts.

  • Adjusts strategies to improve conversion rates.

IV. Social Media Management (15 points)

Platform Selection (5 points):

  • Chooses appropriate social media platforms based on audience and objectives.

  • Keeps up with emerging platforms and trends.

Content Calendar (5 points):

  • Maintains a well-planned content calendar.

  • Ensures content is aligned with marketing campaigns and events.

Crisis Management (5 points):

  • Has a plan in place for handling negative comments or crises.

  • Responds to crises in a timely and professional manner.

V. Overall Assessment

  • Excellent (90-100 points): Demonstrates outstanding performance in social media management.

  • Good (70-89 points): Shows solid performance with room for improvement in specific areas.

  • Satisfactory (50-69 points): Meets basic requirements but needs significant improvement.

  • Needs Improvement (0-49 points): Fails to meet minimum expectations; a comprehensive overhaul is required.

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