Free Diversity Leadership Meeting Minute HR Template

Diversity Leadership Meeting Minutes HR

Meeting Overview

  • Date: October 23, 2050

  • Time: 10:00 AM

  • Location: Conference Room A (Hybrid: In-person and Virtual via Zoom)

  • Facilitator: Sarah Williams, Chief Diversity Officer

  • Note Taker: [YOUR NAME]


  • Sarah Williams, Chief Diversity Officer

  • Mark Thompson, HR Director

  • Maria Lopez, Talent Acquisition Manager

  • John Kim, Employee Resource Group (ERG) Lead

  • Lisa Chen, Learning and Development Manager

  • David Johnson, Director of Corporate Communications


  1. Welcome and Opening Remarks

    • Facilitator's welcome and introduction

    • A quick recap of the previous meeting

  2. Review of Previous Action Items

    • Progress update on Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) and unconscious bias training

    • Status of outstanding action items

  3. Inclusive Recruitment Strategies

    • Presentation of new recruitment strategies to enhance workforce diversity

    • Discussion on targeted outreach and inclusive job descriptions

  4. Leadership Development for Underrepresented Employees

    • Proposal for a new mentorship program aimed at leadership development

    • Timeline and next steps for program launch

  5. Open Discussion and Suggestions

    • Open floor for feedback and new ideas

    • Discussion on potential diversity summit and internal communications

  6. Closing Remarks and Next Steps

    • Summary of key takeaways and next action steps

    • Scheduling of the next meeting

1. Welcome and Opening Remarks

  • Sarah Williams welcomed everyone to the meeting and expressed appreciation for their continued dedication to diversity and inclusion initiatives.

  • She gave a brief recap of the previous meeting’s discussion, emphasizing the importance of inclusive leadership practices and how they drive company culture forward.

Action Items:

  • N/A

2. Review of Previous Action Items

  • Maria Lopez provided an update on the progress of the action items from the last meeting, including the launch of new ERGs and the advancement of unconscious bias training for leadership teams.

Key Updates:

  • ERGs: Two new ERGs were successfully launched for Women in Leadership and Black Professionals Network.

  • Training: 70% of leadership staff completed unconscious bias training, with positive feedback from participants.

Outstanding Action Items:

  • Complete ERG rollout to all locations by November 15, 2050.

  • Ensure 100% completion of unconscious bias training by December 1, 2050.

Action Items:

  • Mark Thompson to continue tracking training progress and provide an update at the next meeting.

  • John Kim to coordinate the next onboarding session for new ERG leaders.

3. Discussion on Inclusive Recruitment Strategies

  • Maria Lopez presented an updated strategy to improve diversity in recruitment efforts. The plan includes expanding outreach to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), partnering with diversity-focused recruitment platforms like Jopwell and PowerToFly, and revising job descriptions for inclusivity.

Key Points:

  • Current workforce diversity: 40% representation of underrepresented groups.

  • New goal: Increase representation of underrepresented groups by 10% over the next quarter.

Action Items:

  • Maria Lopez is to establish partnerships with Jopwell and PowerToFly by November 30, 2024.

  • Lisa Chen to work with hiring managers to review and revise job descriptions for inclusive language by November 10, 2050.

4. Leadership Development for Underrepresented Employees

  • Lisa Chen proposed a mentorship program focused on leadership development for employees from underrepresented backgrounds. The program aims to guide career progression and leadership skills through mentor-mentee relationships.

Key Points:

  • The goal is to create leadership pathways that increase diversity in management positions.

  • The mentorship pilot program is set to launch in January 2050.

Action Items:

  • Lisa Chen to finalize the mentorship program plan and present it at the next meeting.

  • Sarah Williams and John Kim to identify potential mentors and mentees by November 20, 2050.

5. Open Discussion and Suggestions

  • The floor was opened for suggestions and concerns:

    • David Johnson suggested organizing a company-wide diversity and inclusion (D&I) summit to celebrate success stories and share best practices.

    • Mark Thompson raised the need for more frequent communication about D&I efforts, recommending a monthly newsletter to keep employees informed and engaged.

Action Items:

  • David Johnson to explore the feasibility of hosting a D&I summit and provide an update by November 15, 2050.

  • Lisa Chen to collaborate with the internal communications team to create a draft of the monthly D&I newsletter by November 5, 2050.

6. Closing Remarks and Next Steps

  • Sarah Williams thanked everyone for their contributions and encouraged the team to maintain momentum in driving D&I initiatives.

  • The next meeting was scheduled for November 21, 2050, at 10:00 AM.

Action Items:

  • All outstanding items are to be reviewed at the next meeting.

  • Maria Lopez is to circulate the meeting minutes by October 25, 2050.

Meeting Adjourned at 11:30 AM
Next Meeting: November 21, 2050, at 10:00 AM

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]
Approved by: Sarah Williams

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