2 Week Morocco Itinerary

2 Week Morocco Itinerary

Morocco is a country that will capture your heart with its vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and warm hospitality. This 2-week itinerary will guide you through the best of what Morocco has to offer, ensuring you have a memorable and enriching experience. Pack your bags and get ready for an adventure of a lifetime!

Before You Go

  • Visa: Check if you need a visa before traveling to Morocco. Citizens of many countries can enter visa-free for up to 90 days.

  • Vaccinations: Make sure your routine vaccinations are up to date. Hepatitis A and Typhoid vaccinations are recommended for travelers to Morocco.

  • Travel Insurance: Consider purchasing travel insurance to cover medical expenses, trip cancellations, and lost luggage.

Day 1-3: Marrakech

  • Start your exploration of Marrakech in the heart of the city at Djemaa el-Fna, a bustling square filled with performers, food stalls, and market vendors. Take in the vibrant atmosphere and try local delicacies like freshly squeezed orange juice and traditional Moroccan pastries.

  • Dive into Marrakech's rich history and culture with a visit to the Koutoubia Mosque, the largest mosque in the city. Marvel at its impressive minaret and learn about its significance in Moroccan architecture and Islamic heritage.

  • Wander through the maze-like streets of the medina, where you'll find ancient palaces, bustling souks, and hidden gems around every corner. Don't miss the chance to explore the Bahia Palace, a masterpiece of Moroccan architecture adorned with intricate tilework and lush gardens.

  • Escape the hustle and bustle of the city at the serene Majorelle Garden, a botanical oasis filled with exotic plants, vibrant colors, and the former home of fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent. Stroll through the tranquil pathways and admire the unique blend of Moroccan and French influences.

  • As the sun sets, head back to Djemaa el-Fna to experience the magic of the night market. Watch as the square comes alive with storytellers, musicians, and dancers, and sample a variety of street food from savory tagines to sweet pastries.

Day 4-6: Sahara Desert

  • Embark on an unforgettable adventure into the vast expanse of the Sahara Desert. Leave behind the hustle and bustle of city life as you journey towards the desert, passing through rugged landscapes and traditional Berber villages along the way.

  • Arrive at the edge of the Erg Chebbi dunes and prepare for a once-in-a-lifetime experience as you mount your camel and embark on a mesmerizing trek into the heart of the desert. Feel the gentle sway of the camel beneath you as you traverse the golden sands, with nothing but endless dunes stretching out before you.

  • As night falls, arrive at a traditional Berber camp nestled among the dunes and experience the magic of a Sahara sunset. Sit back and relax as you enjoy a delicious dinner of Moroccan cuisine under the starry desert sky, accompanied by the rhythmic beats of Berber music and the warmth of a crackling campfire.

  • After dinner, retreat to your comfortable desert tent and drift off to sleep to the peaceful sounds of the desert. Wake up early the next morning to witness the breathtaking beauty of a Sahara sunrise, as the first light of dawn illuminates the dunes in a kaleidoscope of colors.

  • Bid farewell to the desert as you make your way back to civilization, taking with you memories that will last a lifetime and a newfound appreciation for the timeless beauty of the Sahara Desert.

Day 7-9: Fes

  • Explore the ancient medina of Fes, a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the largest living medieval cities in the world. Wander through its labyrinthine streets, filled with historic mosques, madrasas, and traditional Moroccan architecture.

  • Visit the famous tanneries of Fes, where leather has been produced using traditional methods for centuries. Witness the fascinating process and learn about the history of this important craft.

  • Explore the stunning Al-Attarine Madrasa, an architectural masterpiece known for its intricate tilework and exquisite craftsmanship. Admire the beautiful courtyard and intricate details that adorn this historic building.

  • Don't miss the historic Bab Boujloud gate, a beautiful example of Moroccan gateways. Take a stroll through the gate and explore the vibrant streets and bustling markets beyond.

Day 10-12: Chefchaouen

  • Discover the enchanting blue streets of Chefchaouen, a picturesque town nestled in the Rif Mountains. Known for its striking blue buildings, Chefchaouen offers a unique and tranquil atmosphere.

  • Spend your days wandering through the maze-like streets, lined with blue-washed buildings and colorful doors. Explore the local shops and cafes, where you can find unique handicrafts and delicious Moroccan cuisine.

  • Hike to the Spanish Mosque for panoramic views of Chefchaouen and the surrounding countryside. Watch the sunset over the town and mountains, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink.

  • Relax and unwind in the peaceful surroundings of Chefchaouen, soaking in the laid-back atmosphere and friendly hospitality of the locals.

Day 13-14: Casablanca

  • Begin your visit to Casablanca with a tour of the Hassan II Mosque, one of the largest mosques in the world. Marvel at its stunning architecture and intricate details, and learn about its significance in Moroccan culture.

  • Explore the bustling streets of Casablanca, where modernity meets tradition. Visit the bustling markets, where you can find everything from spices to traditional Moroccan handicrafts.

  • Indulge in the local cuisine at one of Casablanca's many restaurants. Try local specialties like tagine, couscous, and fresh seafood, and immerse yourself in the flavors of Moroccan cuisine.

  • Reflect on your journey through Morocco as you enjoy your final moments in this vibrant country. Take in the sights and sounds of Casablanca, and savor the memories of your unforgettable adventure.

Travel Essentials:

  • Comfortable Clothing: Pack light, breathable clothing, and a scarf or shawl for visiting mosques and conservative areas.

  • Sun Protection: Morocco can be hot and sunny, so bring sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat.

  • Medication: If you have any prescription medication, make sure to bring enough for your entire trip.

  • Adapter: Morocco uses European-style two-pin plugs, so bring an adapter if needed.

Emergency Contact Numbers:

  • Tourist Police: 19

  • Fire and Ambulance: 15

As your journey through Morocco comes to an end, cherish the memories of vibrant souks, tranquil oases, and warm hospitality. May the spirit of Morocco's beauty and charm stay with you wherever your travels may take you.

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