National Park Itinerary

National Park Itinerary

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]


Nestled in the red rock country of southeastern Utah, Arches National Park is a captivating landscape of over 2,000 natural sandstone arches. This itinerary offers a detailed plan to explore the park's wonders, from the iconic Delicate Arch to the towering spires of the Fiery Furnace.

Day 1


Arrive in Moab and check into your accommodation.


Visit the Moab Museum to learn about the area's history and geology.


Enjoy dinner at a local restaurant in Moab.

Day 2


Enter Arches National Park and start with a hike to Delicate Arch. This iconic arch is best visited early in the day to avoid crowds and to witness the stunning morning light on the arch.


Picnic at the Delicate Arch viewpoint or return to Moab for lunch.


Explore more arches in the north section, including the Double Arch and the Windows Section.


Return to Moab for dinner and relaxation.

Day 3


Visit the Fiery Furnace area for a ranger-led hike or a guided tour (permit required).


Have lunch in Moab.


Explore the south section of the park, including the Landscape Arch and Devil's Garden.


Enjoy a sunset hike or drive to a viewpoint in the park.

Day 4


Drive to Canyonlands National Park - Island in the Sky district.


Visit Mesa Arch for breathtaking views and photo opportunities.


Explore other viewpoints and trails on the Island in the Sky district, such as Grand View Point and Upheaval Dome.


Return to Moab for dinner and rest.

Day 5


Check out of your accommodation and depart from Moab.

Essentials Checklist

  • Sturdy hiking shoes

  • Sunscreen

  • Hat and sunglasses

  • Water bottles

  • Snacks and picnic lunch

  • Camera or smartphone for photos

  • Daypack

  • Layered clothing for varying temperatures

  • National Parks Pass or entrance fee


  • Plan your hikes and activities according to your fitness level and the weather conditions.

  • Carry plenty of water, especially during hikes, to stay hydrated in the desert environment.

  • Check the park website for trail closures and updates before your visit.

  • Respect wildlife and follow Leave No Trace principles to preserve the park's natural beauty.

  • Be prepared for high temperatures in summer and cold temperatures in winter; dress accordingly.

  • Stay on designated trails to protect fragile desert ecosystems.

This comprehensive itinerary for Arches National Park ensures you experience the park's most iconic sights and make the most of your visit to this stunning natural wonder.

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