Gift Letter for Home Purchase Agreement

Gift Letter for Home Purchase Agreement


3411 North Avenue
Malcolm, NE 68402


September 12, 2057

Russell Mosley

3716 Alexander Drive
Evansville, TX 76038

Dear Russell,

I am writing this letter to confirm that I, [Your Name], am providing a gift of [dollar amount] to [Recipient's Name] to assist with the purchase of the property located at [Property Address].

I am delighted to provide you with this financial gift to help you purchase your new home. It is my way of showing my support and confidence in your endeavors. This gift is being provided with no expectation of repayment or any future interest in the property. It is purely a gesture of support to help facilitate the home purchase process for [Recipient's Name].

I understand that this gift is subject to verification by the mortgage lender or any other relevant party involved in the transaction, and I am willing to provide any additional documentation or information as required.

Please feel free to reach out if there are any queries or additional information required.



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