2 Week Brazil Itinerary

2 Week Brazil Itinerary

Welcome to your personalized two-week itinerary for exploring the vibrant and diverse country of Brazil! This comprehensive itinerary is designed to help you make the most of your time in Brazil by providing a detailed schedule of activities, accommodations, and transportation options. Whether you're interested in soaking up the sun on Brazil's beautiful beaches, exploring its lush rainforests, or immersing yourself in its rich cultural heritage, this itinerary will guide you every step of the way.

Importance of This Itinerary:

Using this itinerary is crucial for maximizing your time and experiencing all that Brazil has to offer. With its vast size and diverse attractions, planning a trip to Brazil can be overwhelming without a structured plan. This itinerary will ensure that you don't miss out on any must-see destinations or activities, while also providing flexibility to customize your experience based on your interests and preferences.

Using This Itinerary:

  • Each day is organized into specific activities and attractions, with estimated times for each.

  • Feel free to adjust the itinerary to suit your preferences, but keep in mind that some activities may require reservations.

  • Make sure to check the weather forecast and pack accordingly, as Brazil's climate can vary widely depending on the region.

  • Take note of important contact information for accommodations, transportation providers, and tour operators.

cable cars over the green grass field

Week 1: Rio de Janeiro

Day 1-3: Arrival in Rio de Janeiro

  • Arrive in Rio de Janeiro and settle into your accommodation.

  • Spend the first day relaxing on the iconic Copacabana Beach, soaking up the sun and enjoying the ocean views.

  • On Day 2, take a guided tour of Christ the Redeemer statue atop Corcovado Mountain for panoramic views of the city.

  • Day 3 is dedicated to exploring the historic neighborhood of Santa Teresa, known for its charming streets, colorful houses, and art galleries.

Day 4-6: Discovering Rio's Cultural Gems

  • Visit the famous Sugarloaf Mountain and take a cable car ride for breathtaking views of Rio's coastline and skyline.

  • Explore the vibrant neighborhood of Lapa, known for its lively nightlife, street art, and the iconic Selarón Steps.

  • Spend a day immersing yourself in Rio's rich cultural scene by visiting the Museum of Tomorrow and the Rio Art Museum.

Day 7-8: Excursion to Tijuca National Park

  • Embark on a guided hike through Tijuca National Park, the world's largest urban rainforest, to discover stunning waterfalls, lush vegetation, and diverse wildlife.

  • Enjoy a leisurely afternoon exploring the botanical gardens and relaxing amidst nature.

Free Architectural Photography of City Stock Photo

Week 2: Salvador and The Amazon Rainforest

Day 9-10: Salvador, Bahia

  • Fly to Salvador, Bahia, and check into your accommodation in the historic Pelourinho district.

  • Spend the day exploring Pelourinho's colorful streets, historic churches, and vibrant Afro-Brazilian culture.

  • Day 10 is dedicated to immersing yourself in Bahian cuisine with a cooking class, followed by a visit to Mercado Modelo for souvenir shopping.

Day 11-13: Amazon Rainforest Adventure

  • Fly to Manaus and embark on a thrilling Amazon rainforest adventure.

  • Spend three days exploring the dense Amazon jungle with guided hikes, boat rides along the river, and wildlife spotting.

  • Experience a unique overnight stay in an eco-friendly lodge deep within the rainforest, surrounded by the sounds of nature.

Day 14: Departure

  • Fly back to Rio de Janeiro for your departure flight, taking with you unforgettable memories of your two-week journey through Brazil.

Free Boats On Sea Stock Photo

List of Dos and Don'ts:


  • Do try local cuisine: Sample authentic Brazilian dishes like feijoada, coxinha, and açaí to immerse yourself in the country's vibrant culinary scene.

  • Do learn basic Portuguese phrases: Engage with locals by learning simple greetings and phrases, enhancing your cultural experience and making communication easier.

  • Do explore off the beaten path: Venture beyond tourist hotspots to discover hidden gems, charming neighborhoods, and authentic experiences.

  • Do stay hydrated: Brazil's climate can be hot and humid, so drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, especially when exploring outdoor attractions.

  • Do respect local customs: Embrace Brazilian customs and traditions, such as respecting personal space, greeting with a handshake or kiss on the cheek, and dressing modestly when visiting religious sites.

  • Do practice safety precautions: Be vigilant with your belongings, avoid walking alone in unfamiliar areas at night, and use reputable transportation options.

  • Do tip appropriately: In restaurants and for other services, tipping around 10% is customary in Brazil.


  • Don't display valuables: Avoid wearing flashy jewelry or carrying expensive items openly to minimize the risk of theft or pickpocketing.

  • Don't drink tap water: Stick to bottled or filtered water to avoid potential stomach issues from tap water.

  • Don't underestimate distances: Brazil is a vast country, so plan your itinerary accordingly and allow for sufficient travel time between destinations.

  • Don't forget insect repellent: Protect yourself from mosquito bites, especially in tropical areas like the Amazon rainforest, by using insect repellent with DEET.

  • Don't disregard local customs: Avoid disrespectful behavior such as pointing with your finger, standing with your hands on your hips, or touching someone's head without permission.

  • Don't rely solely on credit cards: While credit cards are widely accepted in tourist areas, have some cash on hand for smaller purchases and in case of emergencies.

  • Don't ignore safety warnings: Stay informed about any safety advisories or local regulations, and follow instructions from authorities to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip.

brown canyon during golden hour

List of Reminders:

  1. Travel Documents: Ensure you have all necessary travel documents, including passports, visas (if required), and travel insurance.

  2. Health Precautions: Check with your healthcare provider for any recommended vaccinations or medications for travel to Brazil.

  3. Currency: Familiarize yourself with the Brazilian Real and consider exchanging currency or bringing a combination of cash and credit cards for your trip.

  4. Weather: Pack accordingly for Brazil's varying climates, including lightweight clothing for warm coastal areas and rain gear for the Amazon rainforest.

  5. Language: While Portuguese is the official language of Brazil, English is widely spoken in tourist areas. Consider learning a few basic Portuguese phrases for a more immersive experience.

  6. Safety: Be mindful of your belongings, avoid displaying valuables in public, and stay informed about any safety concerns in the areas you plan to visit.

  7. Transportation: Research transportation options between destinations, including flights, buses, and taxis, and plan accordingly for transfers.

We hope this itinerary inspires you to embark on an unforgettable adventure through the diverse landscapes and vibrant cultures of Brazil. By following this detailed plan, you'll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the beauty and excitement of this captivating country, creating memories to last a lifetime. Safe travels and enjoy your Brazilian journey!

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