Sales Team Assessment
Sales Team Assessment
Assessment Date: January 1, 2050
We appreciate your participation in this assessment. Please provide your candid feedback to help us evaluate our sales team's performance and identify areas for improvement.
Name: [Your Name] Company Name: [Your Company Name]
How satisfied are you with the responsiveness of our sales team? (1-5, 1 being unsatisfied, 5 being very satisfied)
Answer: 5 |
Rate the product knowledge of our sales representatives. (1-5)
Answer: |
How would you describe the professionalism of our sales team?
Answer: |
Were you pleased with the communication and follow-up after your purchase? (Yes/No)
Answer: |
Please share any suggestions or comments regarding our sales team's performance.
Answer: |
Would you consider doing business with us again in the future? (Yes/No)
Answer: |