10 Day Cambodia Itinerary

10 Day Cambodia Itinerary

Welcome to Cambodia, a country renowned for its captivating history, breathtaking landscapes, and vibrant culture. As you embark on this 10-day journey, this itinerary will ensure that you make the most of your time in this enchanting destination. Whether you're drawn to the ancient wonders of Angkor Wat, the bustling streets of Phnom Penh, or the serene beaches of Koh Rong Island, this itinerary will help you navigate through Cambodia's diverse offerings.

I. Travel Itinerary

Day 1: Arrival in Siem Reap

Upon arrival at Siem Reap International Airport, you'll be greeted by warm Cambodian hospitality.

Your designated transportation will whisk you away to your hotel, where you can settle in and unwind.

The remainder of the day is yours to explore the charming streets of Siem Reap, indulge in local cuisine, or simply relax and recharge for the adventures ahead.

Day 2: Angkor Wat Tour

Rise early to witness the spectacular sunrise over the iconic Angkor Wat temple complex, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Explore the intricate architecture and ancient ruins of Angkor Wat, Bayon, and Ta Prohm, where nature intertwines with history.

Refuel with a delicious Khmer lunch before continuing your exploration of this awe-inspiring archaeological wonder.

As the day draws to a close, consider an optional visit to Pre Rup temple for a mesmerizing sunset vista.

Day 3: Tonle Sap Lake

Embark on a captivating boat tour of Tonle Sap Lake, immersing yourself in the vibrant life of floating villages and local communities.

Gain insight into the unique ecosystem and daily activities of those who call the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia their home.

Indulge in a delectable lunch at a floating restaurant, savoring the flavors of authentic Khmer cuisine.

Return to Siem Reap in the afternoon, where you can reflect on the day's experiences and perhaps indulge in a traditional Khmer dinner.

Angkor Wat temple - Cambodia iconic landmark with reflection in water

Day 4: Travel to Battambang

Bid farewell to Siem Reap as you journey to the charming city of Battambang, renowned for its French colonial architecture and bustling markets.

Relax and enjoy the scenic drive, soaking in the picturesque landscapes of rural Cambodia.

Upon arrival, settle into your hotel and take some time to explore the city's vibrant streets and local attractions at your leisure.

Day 5: Battambang Exploration

Immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry of Battambang with a visit to the Phare Ponleu Selpak Circus, where local performers showcase their talents in a mesmerizing spectacle.

Discover the picturesque countryside with a bike or tuk-tuk tour, meandering through lush landscapes and visiting traditional villages and ancient temples.

Conclude your day with a sumptuous dinner featuring authentic Khmer flavors, tantalizing your taste buds with local delicacies.

Day 6: Travel to Phnom Penh

Depart Battambang and embark on a scenic journey to the bustling capital city of Phnom Penh.

Relax and enjoy the comforts of your private transfer as you traverse the Cambodian countryside, witnessing the rural beauty and local life along the way.

Upon arrival in Phnom Penh, check into your hotel and take some time to explore the vibrant riverfront area, where you can soak in the bustling atmosphere and vibrant energy of the city.

a city with tall buildings and a clock tower

Day 7: Phnom Penh Highlights

Begin your exploration of Phnom Penh with a visit to the opulent Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda, where you can marvel at the intricate architecture and shimmering treasures.

Delve into Cambodia's tragic history with visits to the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum and Choeung Ek Killing Fields, paying tribute to the victims of the Khmer Rouge regime.

Enjoy a leisurely lunch at a local restaurant, savoring the flavors of Cambodian cuisine.

Consider embarking on an optional sunset cruise along the majestic Mekong River, where you can relax and unwind as you take in panoramic views of the city skyline.

Day 8: Koh Rong Island

Depart Phnom Penh and travel to the idyllic island paradise of Koh Rong, accessible via a scenic speedboat ride from Sihanoukville.

Check into your beachfront resort and unwind amidst the pristine white sands and crystal-clear waters of this tropical haven.

Spend the day indulging in leisurely activities such as sunbathing, swimming, and snorkeling, or simply lounging beneath the shade of a swaying palm tree.

As evening falls, treat yourself to a delicious dinner with panoramic ocean views, accompanied by the soothing sounds of the waves crashing against the shore.

Day 9: Koh Rong Island Leisure

Awaken to the tranquil beauty of Koh Rong Island and embark on another day of relaxation and exploration.

Venture out to discover more of the island's hidden gems, from secluded beaches and scenic hiking trails to vibrant coral reefs teeming with marine life.

Indulge in a rejuvenating spa treatment at your resort, pampering yourself amidst the serene surroundings of this tropical oasis.

As the day draws to a close, gather for a farewell dinner at a beachfront restaurant, savoring the flavors of Khmer cuisine while toasting to unforgettable memories shared with newfound friends.

a dock leading to a building on the water

Day 10: Departure

Bid farewell to the paradise of Koh Rong Island as you board a speedboat back to Sihanoukville.

From Sihanoukville, transfer to Sihanoukville International Airport for your departure flight, where you'll bid a fond farewell to Cambodia as you embark on your journey home.

II. Dos and Don'ts


  1. Do respect local customs and traditions, such as removing your shoes before entering temples and covering your shoulders and knees.

  2. Do try Cambodian cuisine, including delicious dishes like fish amok, Khmer curry, and fresh fruit shakes from local markets.

  3. Do stay hydrated by drinking bottled water and other safe beverages, especially in the hot and humid climate.

  4. Do negotiate prices politely when shopping at markets, as haggling is a common practice in Cambodia.

  5. Do learn a few basic Khmer phrases like "sou sdey" (hello) and "arkoun" (thank you) to show appreciation for the local culture.


  1. Don't disrespect Buddha statues or religious sites by climbing on them or behaving inappropriately.

  2. Don't touch people's heads, as it's considered disrespectful in Cambodian culture.

  3. Don't give money or gifts to children begging on the streets, as it can perpetuate a cycle of dependency.

  4. Don't drink tap water, and avoid consuming raw or undercooked food to prevent foodborne illnesses.

  5. Don't take photographs without asking for permission, especially of individuals, particularly monks or locals in rural areas.

As you conclude your 10-day adventure in Cambodia, we hope that this itinerary has provided you with a memorable and enriching travel experience. May the memories you've created and the experiences you've shared stay with you long after you've departed from this captivating destination. Safe travels and until we meet again in the Land of Smiles!

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