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Employee Giving Campaign Letter

Employee Giving Campaign Letter





May 18, 2050

Shelley Rosenthal

2932 Tanglewood Road,
Sumner, MS 38963

Dear Ms. Rosenthal,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing on behalf of [YOUR COMPANY NAME], where we are launching our annual Employee Giving Campaign. As our valued partner, your support has always been instrumental in achieving our goals.

This year, we hope to create even larger impacts by contributing to a cause dear to all of us, [SPECIFIC CAUSE]. We believe this initiative not only aligns with our organizational values but can bring significant positive changes to our communities as well.

We are inviting all our esteemed partners and employees to participate and contribute to this noble cause. Donations of any size are deeply appreciated. Together, we can change many lives for the better. We look forward to partnering with you on this meaningful endeavor.

Your participation is vital as we aim to tailor our campaign to best suit the needs and preferences of our valued employees. Should you have any queries or need further information, please feel free to reach out. Thank you for considering this request and for your continued support.

With warm regards,


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