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Social Media Marketing Post Promotion Resolution

Social Media Marketing Post Promotion Resolution

Resolution Date: [Date]

Resolution Prepared by: [Your Name]

Objective: The objective of this resolution is to outline the promotion plan for our upcoming social media marketing post to maximize reach, engagement, and conversion.

Post Details:

  • Post Date: [Date]

  • Post Content: [Brief description of the post content]

  • Platform: [Social Media Platform]

  • Target Audience: [Specify the target audience demographics and interests]

Promotion Plan:

1. Content Review

a. Ensure that the post content is visually appealing, informative, and aligns with our brand messaging.

2. Hashtag Strategy

a. Research and select relevant hashtags that can increase the post's discoverability.

b. Include a branded hashtag if applicable.

3. Scheduling

a. Schedule the post to go live at an optimal time when our target audience is most active on the platform.

4. Cross-Promotion

a. Share the post across all our social media platforms to maximize visibility.

b. Encourage employees and team members to share the post on their personal profiles.

5. Paid Promotion

a. Allocate a budget for paid advertising to boost the post's reach.

b. Specify the duration and targeting criteria for the paid promotion.

6. Engagement Plan

a. Assign team members to actively engage with comments and messages on the post.

b. Respond promptly to questions and engage in conversations with followers.

7. Collaborations

a. Identify potential collaborators or influencers who can share the post or engage with it.

b. Reach out to influencers for collaboration if applicable.

8. Email Newsletter

a. Include a link to the post in our next email newsletter to drive traffic from our subscribers.

9. Contest or Giveaway (if applicable)

a. If the post is related to a contest or giveaway, ensure all contest rules are clear and promoted.

b. Announce the winner in a follow-up post.

10. Monitoring and Reporting

a. Continuously monitor the post's performance throughout its lifespan.

b. Collect data on likes, comments, shares, clicks, and conversions.

c. Prepare a post-promotion report with insights and recommendations.

Post-Promotion Evaluation:

  • After the promotion period ends, gather and analyze the post's performance data.

  • Assess whether the post achieved its intended objectives and KPIs.

  • Use the insights gained to inform future social media marketing strategies.


This resolution outlines the promotion plan for the upcoming social media marketing post. By following this plan and closely monitoring the post's performance, we aim to achieve our marketing goals and strengthen our online presence.

Approved by: [Your Name or Authorized Personnel]

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