Gift Letter for FHA Loan

Gift Letter for FHA Loan

June 5, 2050

Ms. Laura Hester

4600 Stadium Drive
Marlboro, MA 01752

Dear Ms. Hester,

I hope this letter finds you in great health and spirits. I am writing to confirm that I have gifted you the funds used for the down payment or closing costs on your FHA loan. I want to affirm that these funds are a gift and do not require repayment.

The money serves as my contribution towards helping you secure your future and to show my support in your investment endeavor. It is not payable under any circumstance nor the emergence of any future obligations. I provide it out of goodwill, with the understanding that it is non-refundable.

I want to make it clear that this letter serves as evidence of the nature of the funds in case it is necessary in the future. I care about your financial progress and growth, and I hope this gift will help you achieve your goals.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if any further information or documentation is required regarding this gift.

Yours sincerely,



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