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Sales Client Concern Resolution Form

Sales Client Concern Resolution Form

Customer Information

Customer Name: 

Contact Number: 

Email Address: 

Date of Concern:

Concern Details

Concern Category: (Please select one)

  • Quality of Food

  • Order Accuracy

  • Service Experience

  • Delivery/Pickup Issue

Other (please specify):

Resolution Details


Resolution Status: (Please select one)

  • Resolved

  • Pending

  • Partially Resolved

  • Reopened

Customer Feedback

Satisfaction Level: (Please select one)

  • Very Satisfied

  • Satisfied

  • Neutral

  • Dissatisfied

  • Very Satisfied

Additional Comments

Customer Signature:

Company Response

Action Taken by Company

Upon receiving your concern, we immediately initiated a thorough investigation into the matter. Contact the involved department/employee to gather information and insights.

Preventive Measures (if applicable)

Follow-up Required: (Please select one)

  • Yes

  • No

Follow-up Date: 

[Month Day, Year]

Acknowledgment and Resolution Confirmation:

I, [Your Name], acknowledge that my concern has been addressed by [Company Name] to my satisfaction. I understand that further follow-up may be required and agree to cooperate with the company to ensure the concern is completely resolved.

Customer Signature:

Date: [Month Day, Year]

Company Representative Signature:

Date: [Month Day, Year]

Sales Templates