Siem Reap Itinerary

Siem Reap Itinerary

Siem Reap is a charming city in northwestern Cambodia, known for its stunning temples, rich culture, and vibrant markets. This itinerary is designed to help you make the most of your time in this fascinating destination.


Time of the Day




Arrive at Siem Reap International Airport and transfer to your hotel.


After checking in, explore the city center. Visit the Old Market (Phsar Chas) and Pub Street for some local shopping and dining.


Enjoy a traditional Cambodian dinner at a local restaurant.



Rise early to visit Angkor Wat, the largest religious monument in the world. Explore the temple complex and marvel at the intricate carvings and architecture.


Visit Angkor Thom, the last and most enduring capital city of the Khmer empire. Explore the Bayon Temple and the Terrace of the Elephants.


Relax and enjoy a traditional Apsara dance performance.



Visit the beautiful Banteay Srei temple, known for its pink sandstone and intricate carvings.


Explore Ta Prohm, famously known as the "Tomb Raider" temple, with its stunning ruins intertwined with tree roots.


Enjoy a sunset view from Pre Rup temple.



Take a boat trip to Tonle Sap Lake, the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia. Explore the floating village and learn about the local way of life.


Visit the Cambodia Landmine Museum and Relief Center to learn about the country's history and efforts to clear landmines.


Relax and enjoy a farewell dinner in Siem Reap.



Depending on your flight time, you may have some free time for last-minute shopping or sightseeing.


Check out of your hotel and transfer to the airport for your onward journey.

Travel Tips


Visa Requirements

  • Check the visa requirements for Cambodia before you travel. Most nationalities can obtain a visa on arrival at the airport for a fee.


  • The official currency is the Cambodian Riel (KHR), but US dollars are widely accepted. ATMs are available in Siem Reap, but it's advisable to carry cash for small purchases.

Health and Safety

  • Drink bottled or boiled water to avoid waterborne diseases.

  • Use insect repellent to protect against mosquito bites, which can carry diseases like dengue fever.

  • Be cautious of scams and touts, especially around tourist areas.


  • Tuk-tuks are a popular and affordable way to get around Siem Reap. Negotiate the fare before you start your journey.

  • Renting a bicycle is a great way to explore the city and the temples at your own pace.

Temple Etiquette

  • Dress modestly when visiting temples, covering your shoulders and knees.

  • Remove your shoes before entering temple buildings.

  • Be respectful of the sacred sites and avoid climbing on the ruins.

Local Culture

  • Learn a few basic Khmer phrases to show respect for the local culture.

  • Try the local cuisine, such as amok (a type of curry) and fish amok (a fish curry steamed in banana leaves).


  • Siem Reap has a tropical climate, with hot and humid weather throughout the year. Be prepared for rain, especially during the monsoon season from May to October.

Travel Insurance

  • Consider purchasing travel insurance to cover any unexpected medical expenses or trip cancellations.

Respect the Local Culture

  • Be mindful of local customs and traditions, especially when visiting religious sites.

  • Ask for permission before taking photos of people, especially monks.

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