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Startup Profit Sharing SLA

Startup Profit Sharing SLA

This Service Level Agreement (hereinafter also referred as "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between [Your Company Name], (hereinafter also referred as "The Company"), and [Second Party Name], (hereinafter also referred as "The Partner") hereinafter referred to as ''The Parties''.


The purpose of this Agreement is to frame the quality of the services and the standard of performance expected from both the Parties. This covers the profit-sharing scope for the startup facilitated by both parties.


2.1 Service Deliverables

The Company agrees to deliver the following services to support the operations of the startup:

2.1.1. Marketing Strategy Development

  • Market Research Report by [Month 2]

  • Marketing Plan Draft by [Month 3]

  • Finalized Marketing Strategy by [Month 4]

2.1.2. Financial Analysis and Planning

  • Financial Forecast by Month 3

  • Budget Plan by Month 4

  • Quarterly Financial Reviews

2.2 Partner's Commitment

In reciprocation for the services provided by The Company, The Partner commits to contributing resources and actively participating in the startup's success:

2.2.1 Resource Allocation

  • Details of Resources Committed: $[50,000] initial investment

  • Timeline for Resource Allocation: Within the first month of the agreement

2.2.2 Active Participation

  • Specific Areas of Participation: Regular attendance in strategy meetings, collaboration on decision-making processes

  • Expectations for Collaboration: Active engagement in major business decisions and strategic planning

2.3 Service Level Metrics

The performance metrics for the services rendered by The Company are established to ensure alignment with startup objectives and industry best practices:

2.3.1 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • List of KPIs: Customer Acquisition Rate, Return on Investment (ROI), Marketing Campaign Effectiveness

  • Benchmarking Criteria: Achieve a [15]% increase in customer acquisition within the first six months

2.3.2 Reporting Frequency

  • Frequency of Performance Reports: Monthly progress reports, quarterly detailed performance reviews

  • Content and Format: Financial summaries, KPI analysis, and actionable recommendations


3.1 Agreement Commencement

This agreement is initially scheduled to commence on [Month Day, Year]. From this date onwards, the agreement will remain in effect and operational indefinitely unless there is an action, in terms of termination, from either of the involved parties.

3.2 Perpetual Duration

The duration of this agreement is not fixed to a certain timeframe and it is understood to persist indefinitely. This indicates that the stipulations agreed upon will continuously be upheld until such time there are changes made or an intervention occurs.

3.3 Termination Clause

Notwithstanding the perpetual duration of the said agreement, either party reserves the right to terminate the agreement subject to prior written notice. The agreement expresses that a party wishing to discontinue the agreement must furnish a written notice 30 days prior to the desired termination date.

3.4 Notice of Termination

In line with standard legal practices, a formal method of communication via written notice is required to inform either party of the upcoming revocation of the agreement. The thirty-day grace period facilitates proper transition and administrative adjustments in relation to the termination.


4.1 Percentage Allocation

4.1.1 Distribution Details

  • Profit Allocation: [70]% of net profits will be allocated to The Company, and [30]% will be allocated to The Partner.

  • Calculation Methodology: Net profits will be calculated quarterly based on agreed-upon financial statements.

4.1.2 Adjustments Clause

  • Conditions for Adjustments: In the event of exceptional profits or unforeseen circumstances, both parties reserve the right to negotiate adjustments to the percentage allocation.

  • Mutual Agreement: Any adjustments will be made through mutual agreement and documented in writing.

4.2 Distribution Frequency

4.2.1 Quarterly Distribution Plan

  • Distribution Timing: Profit distributions will occur at the end of each quarter, ensuring timely and regular financial benefits for both parties.

  • Communication Protocol: The Company will provide a detailed breakdown of profits and the distribution plan to The Partner at least 10 days prior to the distribution date.

4.2.2 Exception Handling

  • Handling Windfalls or Losses: In the case of significant windfalls or unexpected losses, a special review session may be scheduled to discuss the appropriate handling of profits or losses.

  • Transparent Communication: Both parties commit to transparent and open communication in exceptional situations.

4.3 Review and Adjustment

4.3.1 Regular Review Meetings

  • Frequency: An annual review meeting will be scheduled to assess the overall performance of the profit-sharing arrangement.

  • Review Criteria: The meeting will include a comprehensive review of financial statements, profit distributions, and any proposed adjustments.

4.3.2 Adjustment Mechanism

  • Conditions for Adjustment: Adjustments may be proposed by either party based on changing business circumstances, market conditions, or strategic shifts.

  • Negotiation and Agreement: Any proposed adjustments will be subject to negotiation and agreement by both parties.


5.1 Termination by Either Party

5.1.1 Notice Period

  • Required Notice: Either party must provide a written notice of termination at least 30 days before the intended termination date.

  • Reasons for Termination: Termination may occur for reasons including but not limited to mutual agreement, breach of terms, or unforeseen circumstances.

5.1.2 Transitional Support

  • Transitional Assistance: In the event of termination, both parties commit to providing transitional support to ensure a smooth exit and handover of responsibilities.

  • Documented Transition Plan: A transition plan will be documented and agreed upon during the termination process.

5.2 Unilateral Termination

5.2.1 Breach of Terms

  • Breach Definition: Termination may occur if either party breaches significant terms of the agreement.

  • Dispute Resolution: Disputes related to the breach will be subject to a dispute resolution process.


By signing below, both parties acknowledge their acceptance of the terms stipulated in this Agreement.

The Company:


[Authorized Representative Name]

[Title/Position], [Your Company Name]

Date: [Month Day, Year]

The Partner:


[Second Party Name]

[Title/Position], Partner

Date: [Month Day, Year]

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