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Social Media Marketing Engagement Rubric

Social Media Marketing Engagement Rubric

Welcome to the Social Media Marketing Engagement Rubric. This tool is designed to help you evaluate the effectiveness of your social media marketing efforts. Developed by [Your Name] at [Your Company Name], this rubric provides a clear and structured framework to assess key aspects of your social media engagement strategy. It serves as a valuable guide to enhance your online presence and engagement with your audience.


  1. Use this rubric to evaluate the engagement level of your social media marketing campaign.

  2. Rate each criterion on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest.

  3. Provide comments and suggestions for improvement where necessary.



Rating (1-5)

Comments & Suggestions

Content Quality

How relevant, valuable, and engaging is the content?


Content is highly relevant and engaging, but there's room for improvement in video content.


How often are posts and updates made on social media platforms?


Posts are consistently made daily across all platforms.

Audience Engagement

How well are you interacting with the audience? Are they actively engaging with your content?


Interaction with the audience is good, but could be more proactive in responding to comments.

Hashtag Usage

Are you effectively using hashtags to increase discoverability and reach?


Hashtags are used, but a more strategic approach is needed to increase discoverability.

Visual Appeal

How visually appealing are your posts? Do they include images, videos, and graphics where applicable?


Posts consistently include eye-catching visuals, videos, and graphics.

Response Time

How quickly do you respond to comments, messages, and inquiries from your audience?


Responses are generally prompt, but improvements can be made during peak engagement times.

Audience Growth

Are you steadily growing your followers and expanding your reach on social media?


Followers have been steadily growing, and reach is expanding each month.

Analytics & Tracking

Are you monitoring and analyzing key metrics to measure the success of your social media marketing efforts?


Comprehensive analytics are regularly reviewed to refine the strategy.

Ad Campaigns

If applicable, how effective are your paid advertising campaigns on social media?


Paid campaigns are effective, but optimizations can enhance ROI further.

Platform Diversity

Are you present on multiple social media platforms, and how well are you adapting to each one?


Present on major platforms, but could explore new ones for diversification.

Community Building

Are you actively fostering a sense of community and engagement among your audience?


Efforts to build a community are visible, but more interactive events could be planned.

Overall Assessment:

  • Total Points: 44 out of 55

  • Average Score: 4.0 out of 5.0

Additional Comments:

The social media engagement efforts have been strong, with a focus on consistency and visual appeal. To improve further, consider refining hashtag usage, optimizing response times during peak hours, and exploring new social media platforms for diversification. Keep up the great work!

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