Free Startup Legal Risk Assessment Form Template



Free Startup Legal Risk Assessment Form Template

Startup Legal Risk Assessment Form

Please complete all section of this form.

Startup Information

Startup Name:

[Startup Name]

Representative's Name:

Representative's Email:

Representative's Number:

Potential Legal Risks

Please list any potential legal risks associated with your startup:

Intellectual Property Risks:

We have developed proprietary software but have not yet filed for patent protection. There's a risk of infringement on existing patents or having our IP copied by competitors.

Regulatory Compliance Risks:

Contractual Risks:

Employment Law Risks:

Funding and Financial Risks:

Mitigation Measures

Please detail the measures you have taken to mitigate these risks:

Intellectual Property Risks:

We plan to conduct a comprehensive IP audit next quarter and file for patents and trademarks as recommended.

Regulatory Compliance Risks:

Contractual Risks:

Employment Law Risks:

Funding and Financial Risks:

Existing Legal Disputes

Describe any existing legal disputes taken against your startup:

Currently, there are no legal disputes. However, we are aware that our risk areas could potentially lead to disputes if not addressed.

Existing Legal Disputes

Any additional comments or information:

Signature of Assessor:

[Your Name]

[Job Title]


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