Free Startup Business Model Canvas Survey Template



Free Startup Business Model Canvas Survey Template

Startup Business Model Canvas Survey

Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback will help us understand startup business models better. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions.

Basic Information:



Company Name (if applicable):

Startup Stage:

  1. What stage is your startup currently in?

  • Idea stage

  • Prototype stage

  • Early stage (first customers)

  • Growth stage (scaling)

  • Established

Business Model Canvas Components:

Please rate the importance of each component of the Business Model Canvas for your startup on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is "Not Important" and 5 is "Critical."




Value Proposition

Customer Segments


Customer Relationships

Revenue Streams

Key Resources

Key Activities

Key Partnerships

Cost Structure

Startup Insights

Please carefully read each question and respond honestly based on your startup background.

1. What is your startup's primary value proposition?

2. Who are your target customers? (Demographics, psychographics, etc.)

3. How do you reach your customers? (Online platforms, offline marketing, partnerships, etc.)

4. How do you interact with and retain your customers?

5. How does your startup generate revenue? (Monetization strategies)

6. What are the most important resources your startup requires to operate?

7. What are the key activities your startup engages in to deliver its value proposition?

8. Are there any key partnerships or collaborations that are critical to your startup's success?

9. What are the primary costs associated with running your startup?

10. What are your future plans for scaling or evolving your business model?

Additional Comments:

Is there anything else you would like to share about your startup's business model?

Thank you for completing the survey! Your input is valuable to us.

Startup Template