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Social Media Marketing Crisis Management SLA

Social Media Marketing Crisis Management Service Level Agreement

1. Introduction

Welcome to the Social Media Marketing Crisis Management Service Level Agreement (SLA). This SLA outlines the procedures, response timeframes, and responsibilities for managing and resolving social media crises effectively.

2. Crisis Identification and Classification

Crisis Definition: A social media crisis is defined as any situation that poses a significant threat to our brand reputation, such as negative trends, misinformation, security breaches, or public relations issues.

Classification: Crises will be classified into three levels: 

  • High: Requires immediate attention.

  • Medium: Requires attention within 2 hours.

  • Low: Requires attention within 24 hours.

3. Response Timeframes

Response Time: Responses to high-priority crises should be provided within 30 minutes of identification, medium-priority within 2 hours, and low-priority within 24 hours.

Priority Levels: Priority levels are assigned based on the crisis classification and potential impact on the brand.

4. Communication Protocol

Internal Communication: In the event of a crisis, the social media team will immediately notify the Crisis Response Team, including the CEO, PR Manager, and Legal Counsel.

External Communication: All external communications will be managed by the designated spokespersons to ensure consistency and accuracy in messaging.

5. Escalation Procedures

Escalation Path: The escalation path includes three levels: 

  • Level 1: Social Media Team 

  • Level 2: Management

  • Level 3: Executive Team

Escalation Triggers: Escalation to higher levels will occur if the crisis cannot be resolved within the specified response timeframes.

6. Resolution and Recovery

Resolution Plan: A dedicated crisis resolution team will be responsible for developing and implementing a resolution plan that includes steps to mitigate the crisis, communicate effectively, and monitor the situation.

Recovery Plan: Following crisis resolution, a recovery plan will be initiated to rebuild trust and reputation. This may include follow-up communications, public apologies, and goodwill gestures.

7. Post-Crisis Evaluation

Post-Crisis Review: A post-crisis review will be conducted within one week of crisis resolution to assess the effectiveness of the response, identify areas for improvement, and update crisis management procedures as needed.

Documentation: All aspects of the crisis response, including communication logs, will be documented for future reference and accountability.

8. Conclusion

This Social Media Marketing Crisis Management SLA is designed to ensure a swift and effective response to social media crises. By adhering to the procedures outlined here, we aim to minimize the impact of crises and protect our brand's reputation. For inquiries or updates, please contact [Your Name] at [Your Email].

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