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Social Media Marketing Sponsorship Slip

Social Media Marketing Sponsorship Slip 

Date: October 5, 2050

Dear Mr. Mason Omar,

We are excited to present you with an opportunity to become a valued sponsor for our upcoming social media marketing campaign. As a Marketing Manager at [Your Company Name], I would like to extend this invitation to collaborate with us in reaching our target audience, enhancing brand visibility, and achieving mutual marketing goals.

Event/Campaign Details:

  • Event/Campaign Name: "SocialMediaBoost2050"

  • Date(s) of the Campaign: November 15, 2050 - December 15, 2050

  • Platform(s): Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

  • Hashtag(s): #SMBoost2050

Sponsorship Packages:

We offer several sponsorship packages designed to cater to various marketing objectives and budget ranges. Please find the details of each package below:

A. Platinum Sponsorship:

  1. Feature in 10 promotional posts on all platforms

  2. Logo placement on event materials and website

  3. Dedicated shout-out during the campaign launch

  4. Access to user-generated content

  5. Investment: $10,000

B. Gold Sponsorship:

  1. Feature in 5 promotional posts on all platforms

  2. Logo placement on event materials and website

  3. Shared shout-out during campaign launch

  4. Access to user-generated content

  5. Investment: $5,000

C. Silver Sponsorship:

  1. Feature in 3 promotional posts on all platforms

  2. Logo placement on event materials

  3. Shared shout-out during campaign launch

  4. Investment: $2,500

D. Bronze Sponsorship:

  1. Feature in 1 promotional post on all platforms

  2. Logo placement on event materials

  3. Investment: $1,000

E. Sponsorship Benefits:

  1. Exposure to our engaged audience on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

  2. Brand mentions in promotional posts and campaigns

  3. Logo placement on event materials and website

  4. Access to user-generated content

  5. Opportunity to connect with potential customers

Sponsorship Agreement:

By signing this sponsorship slip, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in the attached Sponsorship Agreement. This agreement covers the rights and responsibilities of both parties involved and ensures a successful partnership.

Confirmation of Sponsorship:

To confirm your sponsorship, please fill out the details below and return this sponsorship slip to us at [Your Email] no later than October 20, 2050. Upon receiving your confirmation, we will promptly send you the Sponsorship Agreement for your review and signature.

Sponsor's Company Name: Mason Omar Corporation

Authorized Signatory: Mason Omar

Date: October 5, 2050

We appreciate your consideration and look forward to a successful collaboration. Together, we can achieve our marketing goals and make the "SocialMediaBoost2050" campaign a resounding success.


[Your Name]

Marketing Manager

[Your Company Name]

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