Marketing Content Dispute Resolution

Marketing Content Dispute Resolution

Dispute Date: [Date]

Dispute Parties:

  1. [Your Name]

  • Position: [Your Position]

  • Contact Information: [Your Email Address], [Your Phone Number]

  1. [Counterparty's Name]

  • Position: [Counterparty's Position]

  • Contact Information: [Counterparty's Email Address], [Counterparty's Phone Number]

Description of Dispute:

I, [Your Name], representing [Company Name], hereby raise a dispute concerning marketing content with [Counterparty's Name] of [Counterparty's Company]. The dispute pertains to the following:

  • [Specify the nature of the dispute, e.g., alleged copyright infringement, content ownership, content quality, etc.]

Dispute Background:

[Provide a brief summary of the background leading to the dispute, including any relevant agreements or communications between the parties.]

Resolution Requested:

I request the following resolution to the dispute:

  • [Specify the desired resolution, e.g., content takedown, content modification, content ownership transfer, compensation, etc.]

Evidence and Documentation:

I have attached the following evidence and documentation to support my claim:

  • [List and attach any relevant documents, emails, agreements, or proof related to the dispute.]

Counterparty's Response:

I request a response from [Counterparty's Name] within [Specify a reasonable timeframe, e.g., 10 business days] to address and resolve this dispute.


In the event that a resolution cannot be reached through direct communication, both parties agree to consider mediation or arbitration as a means of resolving this dispute.

Governing Law:

This dispute resolution process is governed by the laws of [specify the jurisdiction and state the applicable laws].


Both parties agree to keep the details of this dispute confidential and not to disclose any sensitive information to third parties without prior written consent.

Agreement to Resolve:

By signing below, both parties acknowledge their intent to resolve this dispute in good faith and agree to adhere to the terms outlined in this Marketing Content Dispute Resolution.

[Your Name] 

[Your Signature]

[Counterparty's Name]

[Counterparty's Signature]

Date: [Date]

This Marketing Content Dispute Resolution template provides a structured approach for addressing content-related disputes professionally and efficiently. Please customize it as needed to suit your specific dispute circumstances.

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