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Social Media Marketing ROI Questionnaire

Social Media Marketing ROI Questionnaire

Welcome to the [Your Company Name] Social Media Marketing ROI Questionnaire. This document is designed to help you assess the effectiveness and profitability of your social media marketing efforts. Please provide the following information for reference:

Basic Information

Your Company Name:

[Your Company Name]

Your Company Email Address:

[Your Company Email Address]

Your Company Address:

[Your Company Address]

Your Company Number:

[Your Company Number]

Your Company Website:

[Your Company Website]

Your Company Social Media:

[Your Company Social Media]

User's Name:

[Your Name]

User's Email:

[Your Email]

Campaign Information

Please provide details about the social media marketing campaign you're evaluating:

Campaign Name:

Social Media Boost 2050

Campaign Description:

Start Date of Campaign:

End Date of Campaign:

Budget and Costs

Examine the budget and costs associated with your campaign:

Total Budget Allocated:


Advertising Spend:

Content Creation:

Tools/Software Fees:

Other Costs:

Any Unexpected or Hidden Costs?:

  • Yes

  • No

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) that were established for this campaign:

Lead Generation:


Website Traffic Increase:

Engagement Rate:

Were the KPIs Realistic and Achievable?: 

  • Yes

  • No

Data Collection and Measurement

Describe how data was collected and measured during the campaign:

Data Collection Methods:

Google Analytics, social media insights, email marketing software

Tools and Analytics Platforms Used:

Challenges in Tracking Data:

Results and Outcomes

Share the metrics and results achieved for each KPI:

Results for Each KPI:

  • We generated 650 new leads through the campaign.

  • Website traffic increased by 25% during the campaign period.

  • Achieved an engagement rate of 6.2% on social media posts.

Were the Results as Expected?:

  • Yes

  • No

Notable Trends or Patterns:

Conversion and Revenue

Analyze conversions and revenue generated from social media efforts:

Number of Conversions/Leads:


Total Revenue Attributed to the Campaign:

Did You Experience a Positive ROI?:

  • Yes

  • No

Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC)

Determine the Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) for this campaign:

CAC Calculation:

  • Total Campaign Costs: $10,000

  • Number of New Customers Acquired: 200

CAC Calculation: CAC = Total Campaign Costs / Number of New Customers Acquired

CAC = $10,000 / 200 = $50 per customer

Comparison to Customer Lifetime Value (LTV):

Content Performance

Evaluate the performance of various types of content:

Best-Performing Content Types:

Videos, infographics, blog posts, webinars

Underperforming Content:

Audience Engagement

Measure the level of audience engagement on social media posts:

Engagement Metrics:

Likes, shares, comments, click-through rate (CTR), time spent on site, social media followers, retweets, video views

Correlation with Campaign Success:

Competitive Analysis

Assess how your campaign compared to competitors' efforts:

Comparison to Competitors:

Our campaign outperformed most competitors in terms of engagement metrics and website traffic. We had a higher social media engagement rate and received more positive brand mentions compared to our key competitors in the same industry. However, some competitors had a slightly lower bounce rate on their websites during the same period.

Areas of Strength and Weakness:

Lessons Learned

Reflect on what worked and what didn't during the campaign:

Successful Strategies:

  • Influencer Collaborations: Partnering with industry influencers helped us reach a broader audience and boosted engagement significantly.

  • Content Calendar Planning: Careful planning and adhering to a content calendar ensured consistent and timely content delivery, which resonated with our audience.

  • A/B Testing: Continuous A/B testing of ad creatives and targeting options allowed us to optimize ad performance and reduce costs.

  • User-Generated Content (UGC): Encouraging customers to share their experiences through UGC on social media boosted authenticity and engagement.

  • Email Segmentation: Segmenting our email list and sending tailored content to different segments resulted in higher open and click-through rates.

Challenges and Failures:


Based on the analysis, provide recommendations for future social media marketing campaigns.

Thank you for completing the Social Media Marketing ROI Questionnaire. Your insights will help us improve our future campaigns and maximize our social media marketing ROI.

[Your Company Name]

[Your Company Email Address]

[Your Company Number]

[Your Company Address]

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