Marseille Itinerary

Marseille Itinerary

Experience the vibrant city of Marseille from July 18, 2050, until July 20, 2050, with this comprehensive 3-day itinerary. Discover the rich history, stunning natural beauty, and delicious cuisine that make Marseille a must-visit destination.

Day 1: Explore Old Port and Le Panier


  • Start your day with a visit to the Vieux Port (Old Port), the heart of Marseille. Stroll along the waterfront and soak in the bustling atmosphere.

  • Enjoy a traditional French breakfast at Café des Épices, overlooking the harbor.


  • Visit the historic neighborhood of Le Panier, known for its narrow streets and colorful houses.

  • Explore the Vieille Charité, a former almshouse now housing museums and cultural spaces.


  • Head to the MuCEM (Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations) to learn about the history and culture of the region.

  • Visit Fort Saint-Jean for panoramic views of the city and the Mediterranean Sea.


  • Enjoy dinner at La Table du Fort, a restaurant located within Fort Saint-Jean, offering stunning views and Mediterranean cuisine.

  • Attend a performance at the Théâtre de la Criée or enjoy a leisurely evening stroll along the waterfront.

Accommodation: Stay at InterContinental Marseille - Hotel Dieu, located near the Vieux Port, offering luxurious accommodations and breathtaking views of the city.

Day 2: Discover Calanques National Park


  • Take a boat tour from the Vieux Port to the Calanques National Park, famous for its stunning limestone cliffs and turquoise waters.

  • Explore the Calanque de Sormiou or Calanque de Morgiou, ideal for hiking and swimming.


  • Enjoy a picnic lunch amidst the natural beauty of the Calanques.


  • Continue exploring the Calanques or relax on one of the secluded beaches.

  • Return to Marseille in the late afternoon.


  • Dine at Le Petit Nice Passedat, a Michelin-starred restaurant renowned for its seafood cuisine and panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea.

  • Spend the evening exploring the nightlife in the Vieux Port area.

Accommodation: Return to InterContinental Marseille - Hotel Dieu for another night of luxury and comfort.

Day 3: Cultural and Culinary Delights


  • Visit the Notre-Dame de la Garde basilica, offering panoramic views of Marseille.

  • Explore the bustling market at the Cours Julien, known for its vibrant atmosphere and eclectic shops.


  • Enjoy a leisurely lunch at Chez Fonfon, a charming restaurant specializing in bouillabaisse and other Provençal dishes.


  • Visit the Museum of Fine Arts to admire its collection of European art.

  • Explore the La Friche Belle de Mai, a former tobacco factory turned cultural center.


  • Attend a performance at the Opéra de Marseille or enjoy a sunset cruise along the coast.

  • Conclude your day with a farewell dinner at Le Môle Passedat, a renowned restaurant overlooking the sea, serving innovative Mediterranean cuisine.

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