3 Day Bourbon Trail Itinerary

3 Day Bourbon Trail Itinerary

Planning a trip to the Bourbon Trail is an exciting venture into the heart of Kentucky's rich bourbon heritage. To make the most of your experience, a travel itinerary is crucial. This itinerary will guide you through three days of distillery tours, tastings, and cultural exploration, ensuring you don't miss out on any of the unique offerings along the Bourbon Trail.

Travel Itinerary:

Day 1: Bourbon Heritage Center & Heaven Hill Distillery




9:00 AM

Departure to Bardstown

Start your journey to the Bourbon Trail

11:00 AM

Bourbon Heritage Center Tour

Learn about the history of bourbon-making

1:00 PM

Lunch at a local eatery

Enjoy Kentucky cuisine

3:00 PM

Heaven Hill Distillery Tour

Explore the iconic distillery and sample bourbons

6:00 PM

Check-in at local accommodation

Rest and relax after a day of exploration

Day 2: Maker's Mark & Willett Distillery




8:00 AM

Breakfast at accommodation

Fuel up for the day ahead

10:00 AM

Maker's Mark Distillery Tour

Witness the hand-dipped sealing of bourbon bottles

1:00 PM

Lunch at a nearby restaurant

Savor local flavors

3:00 PM

Willett Distillery Tour

Experience small-batch bourbon production

7:00 PM

Dinner at Bardstown's dining spot

Reflect on the day's bourbon discoveries

Day 3: Woodford Reserve & Conclusion




9:00 AM

Departure to Versailles

Head to Woodford Reserve

11:00 AM

Woodford Reserve Distillery Tour

Conclude your bourbon trail adventure

1:00 PM

Lunch at Distillery Restaurant

Enjoy a meal in the scenic distillery surroundings

3:00 PM

Explore Versailles or an optional tour

Discover local attractions or opt for an extra tour

7:00 PM

Dinner at Versailles restaurant

Conclude your trip with a delightful dinner

Dos and Don'ts



  • Do drink responsibly: Enjoy bourbon tastings in moderation to fully appreciate the flavors and ensure your safety.

  • Do respect distillery rules: Follow tour guidelines, including restrictions on photography and sampling limitations, to maintain the integrity of the experience.

  • Do support local businesses: Patronize local restaurants, shops, and attractions to contribute to the region's economy and culture.

  • Don't drive under the influence: Designate a sober driver or arrange alternative transportation to and from distilleries.

  • Don't litter: Dispose of trash properly and respect the natural beauty of the Bourbon Trail's surroundings.


  1. Carry identification and tour confirmations.

  2. Stay hydrated between tastings.

  3. Dress comfortably and wear suitable footwear.

  4. Have a designated driver or arrange transportation.

  5. Respect distillery rules and guidelines.

  6. Pack a portable phone charger.

  7. Capture memories but be mindful during tours.

  8. Check for any health-related travel updates or restrictions.

This itinerary is designed to provide a seamless and enjoyable experience, ensuring you make the most of your time exploring the Bourbon Trail.

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