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Marketing Content Archiving Resolution

Marketing Archiving Resolution

1. Introduction

Welcome to the Marketing Content Archiving Resolution document. This document outlines our policy and procedures for archiving marketing content to ensure compliance, organization, and the preservation of historical records.

2. Content Archiving Policy

Policy Statement

It is our policy to systematically archive and retain marketing content in compliance with relevant legal and industry regulations.


This policy applies to all digital and physical marketing content created or used by [Your Company Name].

3. Content Archiving Procedure

  • Content Identification: Marketing content subject to archiving will be identified, including digital and printed materials.

  • Archive Categories: Content will be categorized based on its type and importance for systematic archiving.

  • Secure Storage: Archived content will be stored securely to prevent unauthorized access or damage.

  • Regular Review: Periodic reviews will be conducted to ensure content remains relevant for archiving.

  • Deletion: Content that is no longer required for archiving will be securely deleted.

4. Responsibilities

  • Marketing Team: Responsible for identifying content subject to archiving.

  • Archivist: Responsible for organizing, storing, and maintaining the archive.

  • Legal Team: Ensures compliance with legal requirements related to archiving.

  • IT Team: Manages digital content archiving platforms.

5. Retention Periods

  • General Content: Marketing content will be retained for a minimum of 365 Days unless otherwise required by law or specific business needs.

  • Sensitive Data: Content containing sensitive information will be retained for the duration specified by applicable data protection laws.

6. Archiving Platforms

  • Digital Archives: We will utilize Archive Plus CRM to archive digital marketing content.

  • Physical Archives: Physical marketing materials will be archived in Archive Room, Floor 2F of [Your Company Name]

7. Conclusion

This Marketing Content Archiving Resolution ensures the systematic archiving of marketing materials for compliance, organization, and historical preservation. By adhering to these policies and procedures, we safeguard our content and demonstrate our commitment to regulatory compliance. For inquiries or updates, please contact [Your Name] at [Your Email].

[Your Company Name]

[Your Company Address]

[Your Company Website]

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