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Startup Equity Investment Checklist

Startup Equity Investment Checklist

Business Plan and Model

  • Comprehensive business plan

  • Clear revenue model

  • Market analysis and competitive landscape

  • Scalability and growth strategy

  • SWOT analysis

Legal Structure and Compliance

  • Registered and compliant legal entity

  • Intellectual property protection

  • Compliance with local regulations and laws

  • Founder agreements

  • Employment contracts

Financial Documentation

  • Audited financial statements (if available)

  • Projections for revenue, expenses, and growth

  • Breakdown of current financial needs

  • Cash flow forecast

  • Budget allocation for investment

Management and Team

  • Experienced and skilled leadership

  • Key team members and their roles

  • Track record of the management team

  • Advisory board members

  • Succession plan

Market Potential and Traction

  • Demonstrated market demand

  • Existing customer base or user traction

  • Scalability potential

  • Competitive positioning

  • Industry trends and forecasts

Exit Strategy

  • Clear and viable exit plan

  • Potential exit avenues (e.g., acquisition, IPO)

  • Investor ROI expectations

  • Exit timeline

  • Contingency plans

Terms of Equity Investment

  • Equity percentage offered

  • Valuation of the startup

  • Investment terms and conditions

  • Anti-dilution provisions

  • Board representation

Due Diligence Documents

  • Due diligence reports (legal, financial, etc.)

  • Contracts and agreements

  • Intellectual property portfolio

  • Litigation history

  • Regulatory compliance

Communication and Transparency

  • Open and transparent communication with investors

  • Regular updates on business progress

  • Access to financial and operational data

  • Response time to investor inquiries

  • Conflict resolution process

Risk Management

  • Identification of key risks and mitigation strategies

  • Insurance coverage

  • Scenario planning

  • Financial contingency plans

  • Cybersecurity measures

Social and Environmental Responsibility

  • Environmental impact assessment

  • Corporate social responsibility initiatives

  • Ethical sourcing practices

  • Diversity and inclusion policies

  • Sustainability goals

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