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Marketing Content Analytics Questionnaire

Marketing Content Analytics Questionnaire

Welcome to the Marketing Content Analytics Questionnaire, designed to help you gather essential data to analyze the performance of your marketing content effectively. This comprehensive questionnaire will guide you in understanding how well your content resonates with your target audience and assists in making data-driven decisions to enhance your marketing strategies.

General Information

  1. What is the title of the content you want to analyze?

  1. What type of content is it (e.g., blog post, video, infographic)?

  1. When was this content published?

  1. Who is the primary target audience for this content?

Content Performance Metrics

  1. How many website visits did this content generate?

  1. What is the conversion rate for this content?

  1. What are the engagement metrics for this content (e.g., likes, shares, comments)?

Audience Feedback

  1. Have you conducted any surveys or polls related to this content? If so, please share key findings.

  1. Are there any notable comments or feedback received from the audience regarding this content?

Competitor Analysis

  1. List the main competitors in your industry and provide examples of their content that competes with yours.

  1. Share any data or metrics that compare the performance of your content against that of your competitors.

Data Analysis

  1. Based on the data collected, what are the key insights and takeaways from the performance of this content?

  1. What actionable recommendations do you propose to enhance the effectiveness of future marketing content based on this analysis?

Thank you for completing the Marketing Content Analytics Questionnaire. Your responses will help us refine your marketing strategies and create more impactful content in the future. For any further inquiries, please reach out to [Your Company Email] or visit [Your Company Website].

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