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Basic Evaluation



Date: [DATE]

Purpose: Assess the innovation, market alignment, and customer experience, guiding improvements and ensuring the long-term success of the product.

Overview: This structured evaluation is divided into three key sections—Product Features and Functionality, Market Alignment and Value Proposition, and Customer Experience and Long-Term Viability—to provide a holistic analysis of the product launch, offering valuable insights for refinement and strategic development.


Please evaluate your experience in the recent virtual product launch event by marking appropriate responses in the tables below. Participants can assign a rating from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) for each criterion.

Your feedback is crucial to improving our future events.

Product Features and Functionality



Rating (1-5)

Innovative Features

Presence of innovative features that set the product apart from competitors

Functionality and Performance

Assess the functionality and performance of the product

Ease of Use

Evaluate the product's user-friendliness and ease of use


Level of audience engagement throughout the presentation, including interactivity.

Design and Aesthetics

Design and aesthetics of the product, and if it enhances overall user experience

Market Alignment and Value Proposition



Rating (1-5)

Compatibility and Integration

Product's compatibility with existing technologies and its ability to integrate seamlessly into users' environments

Value for Money

Evaluate the perceived value for money offered by the product

Target Market Alignment

Product aligns with the needs and preferences of the target market

Sustainability and Environmental Impact

Product's sustainability features and its overall environmental impact

Customer Experience and Long-Term Viability



Rating (1-5)

Customer Education

How well the launch communicated the product's unique aspects and benefits to potential customers

Post-Purchase Support

Availability and quality of post-purchase support, including customer service, warranties, and user guides

Initial Customer Feedback

Evaluate the initial feedback from customers who purchased the product

Long-Term Viability

Product's potential for long-term success in the market

Brand Alignment

How well the product aligns with the overall brand image and values

Additional Comments and Notes

Please provide any additional comments or suggestions below:

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