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Refund Request for Defective Product

Dear Ray,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is [YOUR NAME], and I am a recent customer of [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. I am reaching out today because I have encountered an issue with a recent purchase that I believe warrants a refund.

I purchased a "Smartphone X1," order number #987654321, from your online store on February 10, 2050. Much to my disappointment, the product arrived defective. Specifically, the touchscreen is unresponsive in the lower left corner, making it impossible to access certain features and applications. I have not used the item beyond attempting to verify its functionality after unboxing, therefore it is in condition as received.

Given this issue has caused much inconvenience and does not reflect the quality I anticipated from [YOUR COMPANY NAME], I am kindly asking for a full refund for this purchase. I understand that returns and refunds are part of your customer service procedures. Nonetheless, given the circumstances, I believe this action is thoroughly justified.

Attached are my purchase receipt and images showing the defect for your reference. I’ am ready to return the item as per your guidelines and instructions. I would appreciate it if you could expedite this process and provide an update at the earliest convenience.

Thank you for your understanding and prompt attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards,




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