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Business Evaluation


Employee Information




Evaluation Period:

Purpose: To effectively assess and enhance the performance of our general employees, ensuring alignment with organizational goals and fostering continuous improvement.

Overview: This evaluation comprehensively evaluates various dimensions of a general employee's performance, aiming to ascertain their skills, competencies, and overall contribution to the organization. The objective is to gain insights into their strengths, areas for development, and progress over time.


Please provide an honest and comprehensive assessment of the employee's performance during the specified evaluation period. Use the following scale to rate each competency:

  • 5: Outstanding

  • 4: Exceeds Expectations

  • 3: Meets Expectations

  • 2: Needs Improvement

  • 1: Unsatisfactory




Rating (1-5)

Sales Target Achievement

The extent to which the sales employee meets or exceeds their assigned sales targets within the evaluation period.

Customer Satisfaction

Feedback from customers regarding the sales employee's service, responsiveness, and overall satisfaction with the product.

Revenue Generation

The amount of revenue generated by the sales employee through their sales efforts.

Sales Pipeline Management

Efficiency in managing and progressing leads through the sales pipeline, from initial contact to closure.

Product Knowledge

Demonstrated understanding of the products or services offered, ability to articulate features and benefits effectively.


Capacity to adapt to changing market conditions, customer needs, and sales strategies.

Communication Skills

Ability to communicate clearly, persuasively, and professionally with customers and colleagues.

Time Management

Effective utilization of time and prioritization of tasks to maximize productivity and meet sales goals.

Problem Solving

Aptitude for identifying challenges in the sales process and implementing effective solutions.

Team Collaboration

Collaboration and support provided to team members, contributing to overall team success.

Comments and Notes


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