Free Marketing Brand Loyalty Survey Template



Free Marketing Brand Loyalty Survey Template

Marketing Brand Loyalty Survey

Welcome to [Your Company Name]'s Brand Loyalty Survey. We value your feedback and appreciate your time in helping us improve our products and services. This survey is designed to gain insights into your brand loyalty, preferences, and overall satisfaction.

Section 1: Respondent Information

Please provide some basic information about yourself:


[Your Name]


[Your Email]


  • Under 18

  • 18-24

  • 25-34

  • 35-44

  • 45-54

  • 55-64

  • 65 or over


  • Male

  • Female

  • Non-binary/third gender

  • Prefer not to say

  • Other (please specify):______________

Section 2: Brand Usage

Tell us about your experience with our brand:

1. How long have you been a customer of [Your Company Name]?

  • Less than 6 months

  • 6 months to 1 year

  • 1-2 years

  • 2-5 years

  • Over 5 years

2. How often do you purchase products/services from [Your Company Name]?

  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Monthly

  • Rarely

  • Never

3. What products/services do you primarily use from [Your Company Name]?

  • TechGuard Security Suite

  • FreshLife Grocery Delivery

  • EcoClean Car Wash

  • HealthFusion Fitness App

  • TravelWise Vacation Planner

  • HomeHarmony Interior Design

  • FinTechSavvy Investment Platform

  • EcoEats Organic Food Delivery

  • StyleSense Fashion Boutique

  • Other (please specify): ______________

Section 3: Brand Loyalty

We'd like to understand your loyalty to our brand:

1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how likely are you to recommend [Your Company Name] to a friend or colleague?

  • (1) Not at all likely

  • (2) Slightly likely

  • (3) Somewhat likely

  • (4) Very likely

  • (5) Extremely likely

2. What factors contribute most to your loyalty to [Your Company Name]? (Select up to 3)

  • Product Quality

  • Customer Service

  • Price Competitiveness

  • Brand Reputation

  • Loyalty Rewards

  • Other (please specify): ______________

Section 4: Feedback

We value your feedback to help us improve:

1. What do you like most about [Your Company Name]'s products/services?

2. What areas do you believe [Your Company Name] can improve upon?

3. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions for us?

Thank you for taking the time to complete our Brand Loyalty Survey. Your input is valuable to us, and it will assist us in delivering better products and services in the future.

If you have any further comments or would like to provide more detailed feedback, please feel free to contact us at [Your Email]. [Your Company Name] greatly appreciates your continued support!

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