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School Funding Memo

Proposal for Classroom Technology Upgrade Memo




Date: [DATE]

SUBJECT: Enhancing Classroom Technology for Remote Instruction

As we navigate the challenges of remote learning, it's evident that our current classroom technology infrastructure is in dire need of upgrades to effectively support student learning outdated hardware, inadequate audio-visual tools, unreliable internet connectivity, and a lack of essential software hinder our ability to deliver quality education remotely.

To address these challenges, I propose the following upgrades:

  1. Replacement of Outdated PCs: Investing in modern computers will enhance performance and reliability during remote instruction.

  2. Installation of Advanced Audio-Visual Tools: Upgrading cameras, microphones, and displays will improve communication and engagement during virtual lessons.

  3. Improvement of Internet Connectivity: Upgrading our Internet infrastructure will provide stable, high-speed connectivity for seamless online learning.

  4. Acquisition of Software Licenses: Investing in educational software licenses will empower teachers with tools and resources for enhanced lesson delivery and student engagement.

Implementing these upgrades is crucial for delivering quality remote instruction and preparing our students for success in a digital learning environment based on initial estimates, the total cost for these upgrades is approximately $X I respectfully request your support in prioritizing this matter and am eager to collaborate on a plan of action.

Thank you for your attention to this proposal. I look forward to discussing it further.





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