30 Day Notice To Landlord

30 Day Notice To Landlord

June 11, 2051

[Your name]

[Your Email]

[Your Phone Number]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I trust this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally provide notice of my intention to terminate the lease agreement for the property located at [Your Address] within Sky Tower Plaza. As per the terms outlined in our lease agreement, I am providing a 30-day notice, and my last day of occupancy will be July 11, 2051.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as a tenant at Sky Tower Plaza; however, due to constructive eviction, I find it necessary to conclude my tenancy.

Please find the details of my departure below:

  • Last Day of Occupancy: June 11, 2051

  • Forwarding Address: [Your New Address]

  • Contact Information: [Your Phone Number and Email Address]

I assure you that I will ensure the property is returned in good condition, in adherence to the terms of the lease agreement. I am open to scheduling a joint inspection at your earliest convenience.

I understand there may be specific procedures or requirements associated with the termination process, and I am committed to fulfilling them. Kindly provide any necessary instructions or documentation to facilitate a smooth transition.

I appreciate your understanding in this matter and want to express my gratitude for the positive experience of residing at Sky Tower Plaza. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at [Your phone number].

Thank you for your prompt attention to this notice. I look forward to your guidance on the next steps in the termination process.


[Your Full Name]

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