Marketing Brand Feedback Questionnaire

Marketing Brand Feedback Questionnaire

Dear Team,

We highly value your input in shaping the future of our brand. Your feedback is essential to ensure that our brand identity remains impactful and resonant. Please take a few moments to complete this questionnaire. Your responses will be kept confidential.

Employee Name

[Your Name]


Marketing Department


Marketing Director


January 15, 2051

Brand Awareness

How familiar are you with our current brand identity and messaging?

  • Not Familiar

  • Somewhat Familiar

  • Moderately Familiar

  • Very Familiar

  • Extremely Familiar

Can you briefly describe our current brand positioning and what it represents to you?

Brand Perception

What words or phrases come to mind when you think of our brand? Please list three.

How well do you think our current brand aligns with our company's values and mission?

Very Well
Somewhat Well

Neutral Not Very

Well Not at All

Brand Messaging

Do you believe our current brand messaging effectively communicates our value proposition to our target audience?

  • Yes

  • No

Please explain your answer above.

Are there specific messages or themes you believe should be emphasized more in our brand communication?

Visual Identity

What are your thoughts on our current logo and visual branding (colors, fonts, etc.)?

Are there any changes or improvements you would suggest for our visual branding?

Brand Experience

How do you feel our brand is perceived by our customers or clients? Are there areas where we excel or need improvement in terms of brand experience?

Do you have any suggestions on how we can enhance our brand's interaction with customers or clients?

Additional Comments

Is there anything else you would like to share regarding our brand identity, messaging, or any other related aspect?


Thank you for taking the time to provide your valuable feedback. Your insights are instrumental in shaping the future of our brand. We appreciate your dedication and commitment to [Your Company Name].

Please submit your completed questionnaire by January 20, 2051

[Your Company Name]

[Your Company Address]

[Your Company Website]

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