Cobra Election Notice

Cobra Election Notice


To all Employees,

As an esteemed member of our workforce, we are dedicated to ensuring your continued well-being and security. It is with this commitment in mind that we present you with essential information regarding your rights under the (COBRA).

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, provides certain employees and their families the option to continue their group health benefits when coverage would otherwise be lost due to specific life events, such as termination of employment or a reduction in work hours.

This notice serves to inform you of your rights and responsibilities under COBRA.

Key Points:

  1. Qualifying Events: You and your dependents may be eligible for COBRA coverage if your employment status changes due to termination, reduction of hours, or other qualifying events.

  2. Duration of Coverage: COBRA coverage typically lasts for a limited period, allowing you to maintain your health benefits temporarily.

  3. Notification Process: In the event of a qualifying event, you will receive a notice outlining your rights under COBRA.

  4. Cost of Coverage: While COBRA coverage allows you to maintain your existing health benefits, it is essential to note that you may be required to pay the full cost of the premiums, including any applicable administrative fees.

  5. Application Process: You must complete the necessary forms and submit them within the specified timeframe. Failure to do so may result in the loss of eligibility for COBRA benefits.

For further details regarding COBRA coverage, please refer to the enclosed informational materials or contact our Human Resources department for assistance.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We remain committed to supporting you through every stage of your employment journey.






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