Marketing Employee Branding Survey

Marketing Employee Branding Survey

Dear [Employee's Name] of [Your Company Name],

We value your feedback to help us enhance our brand and workplace. Please take a moment to complete this confidential survey.

1. How well do you understand our company's brand mission and values?

  • Very Well

  • Well

  • Somewhat

  • Not Well

2. Do you believe that our brand values align with our actions and practices?

  • Strongly Agree

  • Agree

  • Neutral

  • Disagree

  • Strongly Disagree

3. How well do you feel connected to our brand's mission and vision?

  • Very Well

  • Well

  • Somewhat

  • Not Well

4. What aspects of our brand or workplace culture do you find most appealing?


5. What areas do you think require improvement in terms of our brand or workplace culture?


6. How likely are you to recommend [Company Name] as a workplace to your friends or colleagues?

  • Very Likely

  • Likely

  • Neutral

  • Unlikely

  • Very Unlikely

7. Any additional comments or suggestions regarding our brand or workplace culture?


Thank you for participating in our survey. Your insights are valuable in shaping our brand and enhancing our workplace culture.

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