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Startup Employee Satisfaction Survey

Startup Employee Satisfaction Survey

Please take a few moments to share your thoughts and feelings about your experience working with us. Your responses will remain confidential and be used to improve our workplace. Rate each of the following statements on a scale from 1 to 5, where: 1 - Strongly Disagree, 5 - Strongly Agree.







I am satisfied with my role and responsibilities.

I feel valued for the work I contribute.

I have access to the resources and tools necessary to perform my job.

I have a clear understanding of our organization's goals and objectives.

I receive adequate feedback on my performance.

I have opportunities for professional growth and development.

I feel my opinions are heard and considered.

I believe there is good communication within our team.

I am satisfied with the work-life balance I have.

I trust the leadership team and their decisions for our future.

I feel encouraged to be innovative and take initiative.

I am confident in the security of my position.

I feel our workplace culture is inclusive and supportive.

I am satisfied with the benefits and compensation offered.

I would recommend working at our organization to others.

Additional Comments

Please use the space below to provide any additional feedback or suggestions you may have to help us improve our work environment.

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