Operations Customer Feedback Questionnaire
Operations Customer Feedback Questionnaire
Your feedback is important to us! Please take a few moments to answer the following questions honestly and to the best of your ability. Your responses will help us improve our operations and better serve you.
1. General Information
Name: [Customer’s Name]
Email Address: [Customer’s Email]
Phone Number: [Customer’s Number]
2. Service Experience
a) How satisfied were you with the overall service provided?
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
b) Please rate the following aspects of our service on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being poor, 5 being excellent):
Areas |
Rating |
Timeliness of service |
5 |
Courtesy and professionalism of staff |
Clarity of communication |
Accuracy and completeness of information provided |
Problem resolution |
3. Communication
a) How did you primarily communicate with us?
Online chat
In-person visit
Other (please specify):
b) Rate the effectiveness of our communication channels on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being poor, 5 being excellent):
Channels |
Rating |
Phone |
4 |
Online chat |
In-person |
4. Suggestions and Comments
Please provide any additional comments, suggestions, or feedback you have regarding our operations and how we can improve our service:
5. Demographic Information
a) Age:
Below 18
b) Gender:
Prefer not to say
c) How long have you been a customer/client?
>1 year
1-5 years
<5 years
Your feedback is anonymous unless you choose to provide your contact information. Thank you for taking the time to help us improve!