Free Notice To Cease And Desist Template
Cease and Desist Notice
[Recipient's Name]
[Recipient's Address]
Dear [Recipient's Name],
I am writing to inform you that certain actions carried out by you have been deemed harmful, unlawful, and infringing upon our rights. The purpose of this notice is to demand an immediate cessation of these activities.
It has been observed that certain activities under your control have caused significant trouble and discomfort. These unwarranted actions not only infringe upon our established rights but also violate the norms of the ethical code of conduct.
The purpose of this notice is neither to harass you nor is it a conclusive allegation against your conduct. It is merely to inform you that, according to our assessment, your actions are not in compliance with established norms and regulations.
In light of the foregoing, we hereby demand that you immediately cease any actions that infringe upon our rights, specifically: [List of activities or actions].
This notice serves to put you on notice that if you fail to comply with the demands contained herein, we will take all appropriate actions, legal or otherwise, to protect our rights. We do reserve our rights to any other legal action or remedy that may be available to us at law or in equity.
Please respond to this notice on or before [Date], confirming that you have ceased engaging in the infringing activities. If you fail to reply or continue to commit these actions, we will have no option but to pursue legal recourse.
This notice does not constitute an exhaustive statement of our client’s rights, remedies, claims, or defenses, all of which are expressly reserved.