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Legal Hold Notice

Legal Hold Notice


[Your Company Name]

[Your Company Address]

[Your Company Email]

[Your Company Number]

To [Recipient's Name],

We are writing this notice to formally apprise you of the necessity to preserve certain specific documents and evidence that may be potentially relevant for impending legal matters. This notice serves as a proactive measure designed to prevent any unwarranted destruction or alteration of this valuable information.

It is our earnest request that you understand the gravity of this requirement and take immediate steps to secure the requested documents and evidence. Failing to comply with this notice could result in potentially adverse legal consequences. We strongly advise you to enlist the help of a trained archivist or legal secretary if necessary, to ensure proper preservation.

To facilitate full cooperation with this Notice, we have provided a detailed checklist that outlines the specific kinds of documents and evidence that must be preserved. In addition, we have supplied broad guidelines for the methods of preservation, including both physical document storage procedures and appropriate digital archiving techniques. Please ensure that all actions taken in response to this notice are thoroughly documented and dated.

Kindly note that this measure has been taken to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the ongoing legal procedures. We also wish to assure you that your cooperative efforts herein are highly appreciated.

For any further questions or clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact me at [YOUR EMAIL].

Thank you in anticipation of your immediate action regarding this matter.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position Name]

[Your Email]

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