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Section 27 Notice

Section 27 Notice


October 25, 2051


[Tenant Name]


[Your Company Name]

[Your Company Email]

[Your Company Address]

[Your Name]


Lease Renewal

I trust this letter finds you well. This correspondence serves as formal notice under Section 27 of the United Kingdom Landlord and Tenant Act regarding the upcoming expiration of your current lease agreement.

Lease Details:

Property Address: [Property Address]

Lease Start Date: [Lease Start Date]

Lease End Date: [Current Lease End Date]

Lease Renewal Terms:

As per the terms outlined in your current lease agreement, the aforementioned lease is scheduled to expire on [Current Lease End Date]. We would like to express our interest in extending your tenancy for an additional term.

Proposed Lease Renewal Terms:

  • New Lease Start Date: [Proposed New Lease Start Date]

  • New Lease End Date: [Proposed New Lease End Date]

  • Monthly Rent: [Proposed Monthly Rent]

Options for Response:

  1. Acceptance: If you wish to accept the proposed lease renewal terms, please sign and return a copy of this notice by [Deadline for Acceptance].

  2. Negotiation: Should you have any concerns or would like to discuss the proposed terms, please contact us at [Your Company Number].

Important Deadlines:

  • Deadline for Acceptance: [Deadline for Acceptance]

  • Deadline for Negotiation: [Deadline for Negotiation]

Failure to respond by the specified deadlines may result in non-renewal of the lease, and we may proceed with alternative arrangements for the property.

Please note that all communication related to this lease renewal should be in writing to ensure clarity and documentation.

Should you have any queries or require clarification on any aspect of this notice, please do not hesitate to contact us at [Your Company Number].

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We value your tenancy and look forward to continuing a positive landlord-tenant relationship.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

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