Free Operations Compliance Training Questionnaire Template



Free Operations Compliance Training Questionnaire Template

Operations Compliance Training Questionnaire

This questionnaire is designed to assess the effectiveness of our Compliance Training Program and identify areas for improvement. Your honest feedback is vital to enhancing our operations and ensuring we adhere to all required compliances. Kindly give your responses in the spaces provided. Your response will be completely confidential and used solely for improvement purposes. Thank you for your invaluable contribution.

Section 1: Evaluation of Training Delivery Methods

This section aims to gather feedback on how the training was delivered, including the format, platform, and engagement strategies used. Understanding participants' preferences and challenges with the current delivery methods will help us tailor future training sessions for better engagement and effectiveness.

How was the training delivered? (Select all that apply)

  • In-person

  • Online modules

  • Live webinars

  • Printed materials

  • Email communications

How effective was the training format in facilitating your learning?

  • Very ineffective

  • Somewhat ineffective

  • Neutral

  • Somewhat effective

  • Very effective

Did the training platform (e.g., LMS, website, classroom) meet your accessibility needs?


What challenges, if any, did you face with the training delivery methods?

How can we improve the delivery of our compliance training?

Section 2: Understanding of Compliance Policies and Procedures

This section assesses the participants' understanding of the specific compliance policies and procedures that were the focus of the training. It aims to identify gaps in knowledge and areas that may require further clarification or additional training.

To what extent do you feel the training covered the essential compliance policies and procedures?

  • Not at all

  • Partially

  • Mostly

  • Fully

Were real-life examples and case studies used to illustrate compliance policies and procedures?


How confident are you in identifying compliance risks after the training?

  • Not confident

  • Somewhat confident

  • Very confident

  • Fully confident

Which compliance policies or procedures do you feel need more detailed coverage?

How well did the training prepare you to handle compliance-related issues?

  • Not well at all

  • Somewhat well

  • Very well

  • Extremely well

Section 3: Feedback on Training Outcomes and Effectiveness

The focus of this section is on the outcomes and overall effectiveness of the compliance training. It seeks to understand the tangible impacts of the training on participants' knowledge, skills, and professional behavior regarding compliance.

Have you applied the knowledge gained from the training in your role?

  • Yes, partially

  • Yes, fully

  • No

Have you noticed any improvements in your compliance practices since attending the training?


What are the most significant changes you have implemented following the training?

How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the compliance training program?

  • Very ineffective

  • Somewhat ineffective

  • Neutral

  • Somewhat effective

  • Very effective

Any further comments or feedback on how we can enhance the effectiveness of our compliance training?

Section 4: Training Methods and Resources

This section aims to gather insights into the effectiveness of the methods and resources used during the compliance training. Your feedback will help us refine our training approach, ensuring it is both engaging and informative.

How do you rate the effectiveness of the training delivery method?

  • Poor

  • Fair

  • Good

  • Excellent

Were the training resources (videos, manuals, quizzes) relevant to your learning needs?


How accessible were the training materials for you?

  • Very accessible

  • Somewhat accessible

  • Not accessible

Did the training sessions incorporate real-life scenarios relevant to your role?


Section 5: Understanding of Compliance Policies

This section assesses your understanding of the company's compliance policies post-training. The insights gained will help identify areas where further clarification may be needed.

How well do you understand the compliance policies applicable to your role after the training?

  • Not well

  • Somewhat

  • Very well

  • Completely

Can you identify the steps to take if you encounter a compliance issue?


How comfortable are you with reporting a compliance violation?

  • Not comfortable

  • Somewhat comfortable

  • Very comfortable

In your opinion, does the training adequately cover the consequences of non-compliance?


Section 6: Compliance Training Outcomes

The focus of this section is on the tangible outcomes of the compliance training program. Your responses will help us gauge the effectiveness of the training in promoting a culture of compliance within the company.

Have you noticed an improvement in compliance practices within your team/department after the training?


How effective has the training been in reducing compliance risks and violations?

  • Not effective

  • Somewhat effective

  • Very effective

Do you believe the compliance training has contributed to a positive change in the company culture?


What improvements, if any, have you personally made in your work practices as a result of the training?

Your participation in this questionnaire is invaluable to us. Your insights not only contribute to the ongoing improvement of our Compliance Training Program but also to fostering a robust compliance culture within [Your Company Name]. We thank you for your dedication and commitment to maintaining the highest standards of compliance.

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