Free Operations Fire Safety Inspection Checklist Template



Free Operations Fire Safety Inspection Checklist Template

Operations Fire Safety Inspection Checklist

The purpose of this checklist is to identify and mitigate potential fire hazards, ensuring a safe environment for employees, visitors, and the property itself. It covers various aspects of fire safety, including but not limited to equipment, emergency exits, electrical systems, storage practices, and training procedures.

Company Name:

[Your Company Name]


[Your Name]

Inspection Date:

[Month, Day, Year]

Location/Area Inspected: 

[Your Company Address]

General Safety

All areas are free of waste, clutter, and flammable materials.

Proper signage is displayed where necessary (e.g., No Smoking areas).

Fire safety plan is updated and accessible to all employees.

Fire Detection and Alarm Systems

Smoke detectors and fire alarms are functional and free of obstructions.

Fire alarm manual pull stations are unobstructed and visible.

Alarm system has been tested in the last 12 months.

Fire Suppression Equipment

Fire extinguishers are in place, visible, and have been serviced in the last 12 months.

Sprinkler systems (if applicable) are unobstructed and in good working order.

Fire hoses (if present) are in good condition and ready for use.

Emergency Exits and Escape Routes

Emergency exits are clearly marked and illuminated.

Escape routes are unobstructed and clearly marked.

Emergency lighting is functional in exit paths and exit signs.

Electrical Safety

Electrical panels are accessible and labeled.

No evidence of frayed or exposed wires.

Extension cords are used appropriately and not as permanent wiring.

Training and Drills

Employees have received fire safety training within the past year.

Fire evacuation drills have been conducted in the last 12 months.

Fire safety responsibilities are assigned and known by employees.

Documentation and Records

Records of fire safety training sessions are up to date.

Maintenance and inspection records for fire safety equipment are current.

Documentation of compliance with local fire safety regulations is available.

Inspector's Signature

Inspector's Name: [Your Name]

Signature: _________________________

Date: [Month, Day, Year]

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