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Marketing Launch Team Evaluation

Marketing Launch Team Evaluation

Evaluation Date:  [Month Day, Year] Company Name: [Your Company Name]

Team Member Being Evaluated: [Employee Name]

The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the performance and contributions of our marketing launch team for [Project Title]. The feedback gathered will be used to identify strengths, areas for improvement, and opportunities for growth.

Team Member Performance Assessment

Please rate the team member's performance on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being "Below Expectations" and 5 being "Outstanding."







Teamwork and Collaboration

Communication Skills

Initiative and Proactiveness

Quality of Work

Strengths and Contributions

List the team member's strengths and notable contributions to the project. Please provide specific examples or achievements.

Areas for Improvement

Identify areas where the team member could improve or enhance their performance in future projects.

Overall Evaluation

Overall, how would you rate the team member's contribution to the success of the project?

  • Below Expectations

  • Satisfactory

  • Good

  • Very Good

  • Outstanding

Comments and Recommendations

Please share any additional comments, recommendations, or feedback regarding the team member's performance.

Evaluated by (Optional): 


[Your Name] 

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