Marketing Consumer Brand Questionnaire

Marketing Consumer Brand Questionnaire

Welcome to [Your Company Name]'s Consumer Brand Questionnaire. Your feedback is crucial to help us enhance our products and services. Please take a few moments to complete this questionnaire, and you will have a chance to win exciting prizes!

About You

Personal Information



Phone Number:






Brand Awareness

Awareness of [Your Brand]

How did you first hear about [Your Brand]? Please select one option:

  • Advertising

  • Word of Mouth

  • Social Media

  • Website

  • Others (Specify):

Brand Recognition

Do you recognize [Your Logo]? Please rate your recognition on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being "Not Recognizable" and 5 being "Highly Recognizable."

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

Product Experience

Product Satisfaction

How satisfied are you with our products? Please rate on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being "Very Dissatisfied" and 5 being "Very Satisfied."

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

Product Quality

Please provide feedback on the quality of our products. What do you like most, and what improvements would you suggest?

Product Usage

How often do you use our products?

  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Monthly

  • Rarely

Brand Loyalty

On a scale of 1 to 5, how loyal are you to [Your Brand], with 1 being "Not Loyal" and 5 being "Very Loyal."

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

Reasons for Loyalty

What factors contribute to your loyalty to our brand? Select all that apply:

  • Quality

  • Price

  • Customer Service

  • Brand Reputation

  • Other (Specify):

Suggestions and Feedback

Please provide any suggestions or comments to help us improve our products and services.

By completing this questionnaire, you are entered into a prize draw. Please provide your email address to notify you if you win.

Thank you for taking the time to complete our Consumer Brand Questionnaire. Your feedback is invaluable and will assist us in providing you with the best possible experience. For more information about [Your Company], visit our website at [Your Company Website].

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