Marketing Brand Consistency Rubric

Marketing Brand Consistency Rubric

Visual Brand Identity: 25 points

Messaging Consistency: 30 points

Logo Usage (5 points):

  • Logo consistently used in all marketing materials.

  • Logo proportions and colors are not altered.

Color Palette (5 points):

  • Consistent use of FusionTech's approved color palette.

  • No unauthorized color variations in marketing materials.

Typography (5 points):

  • The approved font(s) are consistently used in all text materials.

  • Font size and style adhere to brand guidelines.

Imagery (5 points):

  • Use of images aligns with FusionTech's brand image.

  • High-quality and relevant imagery is consistently employed.

Visual Elements (5 points):

  • Consistent use of approved visual elements (e.g., icons, patterns).

  • Visual elements are integrated cohesively within designs.

Brand Voice (10 points):

  • Messaging consistently reflects FusionTech's brand voice and tone.

  • No deviation from the approved communication style.

Taglines and Slogans (5 points):

  • Taglines and slogans are used consistently where appropriate.

  • No unauthorized variations in taglines or slogans.

Product Descriptions (5 points):

  • Product descriptions are accurate and consistent across all platforms.

  • No contradictory information about products or services.

Key Messages (5 points):

  • Key messages are consistently communicated in all marketing materials.

  • No conflicting or contradictory messages.

Grammar and Spelling (5 points):

  • Marketing materials are free from grammar and spelling errors.

  • Content is proofread and edited before publication.

Platform Consistency: 20 points

Advertising and Promotions: 15 points

Website (10 points):

  • Website design and content are consistent with FusionTech's brand.

  • All website sections and pages are up-to-date.

Social Media (5 points):

  • Social media profiles consistently use the approved logo and visuals.

  • Posts align with brand messaging and tone.

Email Campaigns (5 points):

  • Email templates maintain FusionTech's visual and messaging consistency.

  • No unauthorized variations in email content.

Print and Online Ads (5 points):

  • Advertisements consistently feature FusionTech's branding elements.

  • Ad copy adheres to brand messaging guidelines.

Promotions and Offers (5 points):

  • Promotions are in line with FusionTech's brand image and values.

  • Promotional materials are consistent with other marketing materials.

Sponsorships and Partnerships (5 points):

  • Sponsorship and partnership agreements align with FusionTech's brand values.

  • Co-branding efforts are cohesive and mutually beneficial.

Customer Feedback and Adjustments: 10 points

Feedback Integration (5 points):

  • Feedback from customers is collected and analyzed regularly.

  • Adjustments to marketing strategies are made based on feedback.

Consistency Improvement (5 points):

  • Ongoing efforts to enhance brand consistency are evident.

  • Learning from past inconsistencies and addressing them proactively.

Total Possible Score: 100 points


90-100 points: Excellent Brand Consistency

70-89 points: Good Brand Consistency

50-69 points: Fair Brand Consistency

Below 50 points: Poor Brand Consistency

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